throw in the towel

[θro ɪn ði ˈtaʊəl][θrəu in ðə ˈtauəl]


  • Remember that it was in the years following the 1987 Black Monday crash that Japanese assets went from being expensive to absurdly overvalued and the Nikkei 's dizzy rise to 39 forced the bears to throw in the towel .

    记得在1987年黑色星期一股灾过后的几年里,日本的资产价格从昂贵发展到高得离谱,日经指数令人眩晕地飙升至39000点,令看空者 大跌眼镜

  • We 're never going to persuade them so we might as well throw in the towel now .

    我们决不会说服他们,因此我们不妨现在就 认输

  • When it 's time to throw in the towel .

    什么时候是到 认输

  • I refuse to throw in the towel because conditions will change .

    我拒绝 放弃,因为情况会变化。

  • But what happens when a week goes by and you don 't receive an offer ? Should you sit by the phone and wait or throw in the towel ?

    但是当一个礼拜过去后你还没有收到通知呢?你要守候 电话旁边还是 认输 放弃呢?

  • Isn 't it too early to throw in the towel ? We may still be able to finish it in time .

    现在就 放弃,不是太早了么?我们或者还可以及时做完这件事的。

  • The Campbells decided to throw in the towel .

    坎培尔夫妇决定 放弃

  • It needs a little more patience . don 't throw in the towel .


  • You don 't throw in the towel at the first sign of trouble he says .

    “你不要 麻烦的第一个征兆出现时 毛巾,”他说。

  • Small businesses which have fewer financial and operational resources to withstand economic convulsions are also unwilling to throw in the towel .

    在财务和运营方面抵御经济动荡的资源相对较少的小型企业,也都不愿意 认输

  • Most businesses do not throw in the towel .

    大多数企业没有 认输

  • Word expert Charles Funk says an eighteen seventy-four publication called the Slang Dictionary explains throwing in the towel .

    词汇专家查尔斯·芬克说,一本1874年出版的俚语词典解释了 throw in the towel 句短语。

  • I confess there was more than one moment in 1981 when I felt ready to throw in the towel .

    我坦率承认,在1981年,我不止一次感到要 认输了。

  • When you throw in the towel you admit defeat .

    当你 毛巾 ,你就是承认输了。

  • When they found out he was receiving bribes the senator knew it was time to throw in the towel .

    当他们发现他收受贿赂时,那参议员明白 收场的时候到了。

  • Are there any telltale signs you should be looking for when trying to decide if you throw in the towel ?

    当你 决定是否要 放弃的时候,你是不是应该寻找一些迹象呢?

  • However a financially happy person knows that life happens and they don 't quickly throw in the towel .

    不过他们知道生活多起伏,不会马上 认输

  • Sandy is in last place throughout the marathon but shen doesn 't throw in the towel and keeps running .

    珊蒂在整场马拉松比赛中一直位居最后,但她不 认输继续跑着。

  • It is easy to throw in the towel when faced with a barrage of bad news .

    面对接二连三的坏消息,人们很容易 举起 白旗

  • How hard should a web designer fight for a good design decision before they throw in the towel and let a bad design decision happen ?

    设计师们 认输并采用一个糟糕的设计策略之前,他应该做出多少努力来维护他的良好的设计决策呢?

  • So why is it so hard to throw in the towel even when on some level you know you should ?

    那么,为什么人们很难主动 放弃 或者 认输,哪怕自己心里已经感到力有不逮?

  • Now comes word that some of its dealers are ready to throw in the towel .

    现在有传言说,部分萨博的经销商已经打算 洗手不干了。

  • Every successful person has faced many fears made many mistakes and wanted to throw in the towel countless times .

    每一位成功者都面临过无数的恐惧,犯过许多的错误,有过很多时候想 认输

  • Did you really think I was just gonna throw in the towel ?

    你认为我真的 就此 放弃吗?

  • It 's a bit early to throw in the towel & you 've only just started the job .

    现在 放弃为时尚早&你才刚刚开始这项工作。

  • Those are the inevitable questions prompted by the news this week that BlackBerry is ready to throw in the towel .

    以上是最近黑莓(BlackBerry)准备 认输的新闻传出后不可避免会引发的疑问。

  • It s time we got this straight . I know it s killing you inside but you might as well throw in the towel .

    是时候 打开 天窗说亮话了。我知道这 让你很痛苦,但你还是 认输

  • You 're ready to throw in the towel and I 'm telling you .

    你准备 认输,我告诉你。

  • Or if things are really bad they may say they have to throw in the towel .

    或者,如果事情真的很糟糕,他们可能会说要 认输了。

  • Don 't beat yourself up and don 't throw in the towel .

    千万别自己打击自己。也千万不要 轻言放弃, 承认 失败