torque tube

[tɔrk tub][tɔ:k tju:b]


  • The torque tube unbalance of turboshaft power turbine rotor is investigated and a test method for estimating the unbalance is introduced with high speed dynamic balance test .

    对涡轴发动机动力涡轮转子测 基准 的不平衡量进行了研究,提出了一种通过高速动平衡试验估算出测 基准轴不平衡量的试验方法。

  • When transmission shaft is working it mainly bears torque . So the carbon fiber tube must have sufficient torsional strength and torsional rigidity .

    传动轴工作时主要承受 扭矩,所以碳纤维 要有足够的扭转强度和扭转刚度。

  • Torque Behaviour in Core Tube with Holes in Four Sides Analyzed by Mixed Method

    混合法分析四面开洞核心 扭转特性

  • Design Study of Industrial HTS Synchronous Motors and Evaluation of Heat Flow in the Torque Tube of These Motors

    工业用高温超导同步电动机的设计研究及其 力矩 中的热流估算

  • A Test Method for Estimating Torque Tube Unbalance

    一种估算测 基准 不平衡量的试验方法

  • The torque control valve of hydraulic tong is developed to protect the scrws of tube and suck rod from being damaged or deformed caused by over tightness .

    液压油管钳 扭矩控制阀用于 油管和抽油杆上螺纹时控制其扭矩值,以免扭矩过大而损坏螺纹或造成本体变形。

  • Displacement functions suitable to analyze the torque behaviour of core tube with holes in four sides are assumed and the simple formulas calculating the shear forces and torque angle of core tube are derived .

    假定了适用于分析四面开洞核心 扭转特性的位移函数,推导了计算连梁剪力及核筒扭转角的简单公式。

  • The result shows that the critical torque of MWNTs under torsional load applied on the outermost tube is higher than that of the same MWNTs twisted with the shear forces proportional to the radius of each layer .

    结果表明,扭矩只作用在最外层 的MWNTs的临界 转载荷 比同样条件下扭矩按剪切薄膜力与半径成比例分布在各层上的情况的值要高。

  • Analysis of Disturbance Torque on Stabilized Platform Caused by J-T Cryocooler ′ s Air-feed Tube

    J-T制冷器 管路对稳定平台的干扰 力矩分析

  • In the evaluation of heat flow the quantity of heat in each position of the torque tube has been determined using FEM ( finite element method ) .

    在对热流的估算中, 力矩 上每个位置的热量是通过有限元法计算获得的。