


  • Excitement toned her voice .

    激动 使她的嗓音

  • Next to Brazilian and Scandinavian beauties British people just aren 't as toned or glamorous .

    与巴西和斯堪的纳维亚人相比,英国人既不 健美,也没什么魅力。

  • When the ladies arrived he toned down his language .

    当那些贵妇人到达的时候他 讲话 斯文

  • The spectacular jewel toned lake sits among snow capped mountains in one of canada 's most picturesque national parks .

    湖泊景色壮观,美如珠宝 它位于加拿大一座风景如画的国家公园内,坐落在白雪皑皑的群山之间。

  • He suddenly toned up and reproached the boy for his carelessness .

    他突然 大声责备这个孩子粗心大意。

  • He wanted the bright colours in her house toned down .

    他要把室内的亮光色彩 缓和 一下

  • He voice has toned down quite a lot over the years .

    过了这么多年,他的声音 不如 以前 洪亮了。

  • He toned down his attack on the government .


  • Mrs Obama said her toned figure did not come naturally .

    奥巴马夫人称,她的 健美身材并不是天生的。

  • Strength training and cardio boost circulation and improve muscle tone which results in younger-looking toned skin .

    力量训练和有氧运动能促进血液循环,改善肌肉张力,就会 滋润肌肤让你看起来更加年轻。

  • Princess Margaret toned with her in a turquoise print dress .

    玛格丽特公主 条青绿色的印花裙子与她很相配。

  • He toned down clashing colours with brown tints .

    棕色 使不调和的各种颜色 柔和一些

  • Wear It : Show off toned arms with sleeveless and strapless looks this summer .

    穿上它:在夏天穿上无袖装或吊带装都可以展示你 迷人的手臂。

  • FACT : It is every woman 's dream to look tight and toned .

    事实:每位女性都梦想着有紧实和 苗条 身材

  • The excitement toned down .

    激动的情绪 缓和了下来。

  • My legs seem to have toned up with all that walking .

    走了那么 多路 ,我的腿好像 有劲起来。

  • The fiery right-wing leader toned down his militant statements after the meeting

    言辞激烈的右翼领袖在会后 收敛了他的好战言论。

  • Not modulated ; not toned down .

    没有被调整的;没有 柔和的。

  • The artist toned down the cruder colour in his painting .

    画家 使他的绘画中的粗糙色调 变得 柔和了。

  • During the vacation I had a good rest that toned up my body .


  • Well what I want to know how do you stay so toned ?

    我想知道,你们怎么 保养 这么好?

  • The apology toned down his anger .

    道歉 缓和了他的怒气。

  • The flowers toned perfectly with the Mexican rug .

    这些花和墨西哥地毯非常 相配

  • This month Tim Geithner US Treasury secretary and President Barack Obama have toned down the talk .

    本月,美国财长蒂姆盖特纳(TimGeithner)和总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)都 缓和了语气。

  • Some companies have toned down the claims on their promotional literature .

    一些公司已降低了宣传资料 中标 调门

  • His clothes have toned down since his marriage .

    结婚后,他穿的衣服不 过去 那么 新潮了。

  • The circulatory and respiratory systems are toned to a considerable degree .

    循环系统和呼吸系统 增强到一种相当 和谐的程度。

  • The researchers also noticed skin appeared less yellow and more even toned with fewer brown spots .

    研究者还发现皮肤不再那么黄了,甚至 褐斑也减少了。

  • Their enthusiasm has toned down since they discovered the cost .

    他们 知道了价钱之后 心气 就低了。