


  • This is hugely important and when new employees don 't do it they come across as tone-deaf .

    企业 文化至关重要,新员工不 依照而行,会 成为 曲调 不和 谐音

  • If you 're one of the unlucky people who is tone-deaf it turns out your brain may have a wiring problem .

    如果你是一个不幸的 音盲,你的大脑可能有问题。

  • Those who were tone-deaf had fewer nerve fibers between the frontal and temporal regions of the brain or in some cases the fibers couldn 't be detected at all .

    这些 音盲的人在大脑的额叶和颞叶之间的神经纤维较少,或者在某些情况下,神经纤维无法检测到所有的。

  • I have great confidence that President Bush 's policies will grow the economy and create a job for every American who wants one including his politically tone-deaf economist .

    我对布什总统的政策有充分的信心,相信它们会使经济发展和为并让所有想工作的美国人都有一份职业,包括他的政治上 失聪的经济学家。

  • It 's all too easy for disgruntled or tone-deaf employees to go onto social media and criticize customers harass subordinates and otherwise misbehave .

    满腹牢骚或不 懂得 察言观色的员工太容易在社交媒体上批评客户、骚扰下属或者行为失当了。

  • Loui and her colleagues took brain scans of20 people half of them tone-deaf .

    Loui和她的同事们脑部扫描了20人,其中一半是 音盲的人。

  • A tone-deaf teenager who suffered a concussion has astonished his family by suddenly being able to play music effortlessly .

    一个 少年经历了一次脑震荡 之后,忽然可以毫不费力的演奏 各种乐器。他的家人被 了一

  • It seems that other tone-deaf people also have concerns about God not understanding their silence in song .

    他也是个 音盲,也担心上帝 不到他的歌声。

  • Dee : never mind why don 't you try learning the drums ? Then being tone-deaf shouldn 't matter .

    迪伊:这不要紧。你为什么不 学打鼓呢? 打鼓, 音盲 大概也不要紧。