


  • Tome has really flung himself into his work this year .


  • An island in the Gulf of Guinea that is part of Sao Tome e Principe .

    几内亚海湾中的一个岛屿,是 普林西比的一部分。

  • He was developing quite a reasonable point of view as he talked tome .

    他和 交谈 阐述了一个非常合理的观点。

  • Eg. I told you expressly toreport tome everyday .

    我明确告诉过你每天要向我 汇报

  • Madagascar has cut its rate by forty-one percent ; Sao Tome and Principe by nearly half .

    马达加斯加死亡率降低了41%; 圣多美和普林西比降低了近一半的比率。

  • Guess what : I saw tome Bruce the other day .

    你猜怎么着:那天我看见 汤姆布鲁斯了。

  • If action is not taken within the prescribed tome prosecution can never be taken .

    如果在规定 时间不起诉,就不能再诉了。

  • I often received the programs I think their program is very useful tome .

    我经常 收听他们的节目,这个节目 我很有帮助。

  • I like you to write tome frequently .

    我喜欢你 时常写信给

  • His purpose was unknown tome .

    他的目的 而言 不明的。

  • I confess your letter was a blow tome .

    我承认你的信 是个 打击

  • You should hear the way she talks tome .

    该听听她 说话的 那种 腔调

  • She had hitherto been relatively nice tome .

    迄今为止,她 还算 和气 周到

  • Country Profile : Sao Tome and Principe Guinea-Bissau Cape Verde .

    国家简况: 圣多美和普林西比、几内亚比绍、佛得角。

  • Bill talked to Tome about the wanted man whose picture they had seen outside the police station .

    比尔向 汤姆谈起和他们在警察局外面看到的那张通缉犯的照片。

  • Life is really too much tome .

    生活 真是太 沉重了。

  • Education education education ! That 's what our tome is all about .

    教育,教育,还是教育。这是我们 文化 渊源之所在。

  • I 'm not entirely sure I like the tome of your question .

    我不太喜欢你问问题的 腔调

  • This is a mighty tome indeed no doubt about it .

    这确实是很好很强大 书刊,毫无疑问。

  • Tome chocolate connotes pleasure and indulgence .


  • Tome is good at mathematics and English .


  • Monetary unit on Sao Tome e Principe .


  • If you need to talk tome use the SEND function .

    如果你要跟 说话,就用SEND功能。

  • You won 't believe what Tome just told me .


  • It occurred tome that he might be wrong .

    我突然 想到他也许错了。

  • I had to accept everything my governor said tome .

    我得接受老板 我说的每一件

  • He presented a signed copy of his book tome .

    他把他的一本签过名的书 赠送

  • Tome got mad but soon simmered down .
