tolerance error

[ˈtɑlərəns ˈɛrɚ][ˈtɔlərəns ˈerə]


  • These two factors are the basis of the parent selection the allocation strategy of the requested media data the fault tolerance and the error resilience.P2P streaming media buffer strategy based on user character .

    父节点的选择、媒体数据的分配策略以及 容错和恢复处理均以此为基础。

  • The Effect on Conjugation Tolerance from the Measurement Error of Real Dimension in Course of Deployment and Conjugation

    配制配合中实际尺寸测量 误差对配合 公差的影响

  • The paper in accordance with the state standards of shape and position tolerance for roundness error presents mathematical model of roundness error applying the least square and analyses it through emulation .

    按照形状与位置 公差国家标准中圆度 误差的规定,采用最小二乘圆法建立了圆度误差的数学模型,并对其进行了仿真分析。

  • My biggest weakness was my lack of tolerance for any error .

    我最大的缺点是我不能 容忍任何 错误

  • The simulation and experiment to verify the above deductions and methods show that the conclusion is correct and methods to distribute tolerance and adjust error are effective and practical .

    实验表明,文中的结论正确, 公差分配及 误差调整方法具有有效性和实用性。

  • Following a review of the growth model and statistics models of complex networks it discusses some topologic properties such as small world effects large clustering and tolerance of error .

    对比分析了复杂网络的生长模型及统计模型,并从应用的角度讨论了“小世界”、大群集和 容错 等主要的拓扑性质。

  • The calculation method and results of the tolerance of error in depth for diffraction pattern are shown .

    介绍了深度 误差 的计算方法及计算结果。

  • Rectification of non - tolerance error in Breslow 's algorithm

    Breslow算法非 容许 误差校正

  • The analysis and testing results show that MM μ TESLA and its extensions have the characteristics of higher authentication rate greater reliability and tolerance of high channel error rates .

    分析和验证表明MMμTESLA协议及其扩展具有高认证率、高可靠性和 容忍高信道 错误率的特性。

  • From a pure data perspective eBay can be described as having a huge number of frequent writes as well as reads with an extremely low tolerance for error or inconsistency .

    从纯数据的角度来看,eBay可以被描述为具有大量的读、写操作,但对 容错 和一致性的要求非常严格。

  • With this system the profile tolerance error can be obtained .

    利用该系统可以检测得到涡旋体的线轮廓 误差

  • Uncertain parameters exist widely on mechanical multibody systems . The origin of the uncertain parameters is form design tolerance assembly error environment friction abrasion and so on .

    机械多体系统都存在不确定性问题,设计 公差、装配 误差、环境温度、摩擦磨损等因素使得机械系统具有不确定性。

  • Analyses the insufficiency in the known definition and tolerance stander of coaxiality error puts forward a new definition and describing parameters and tolerance stander and measure method for coaxiality error .

    分析现行的同轴度 误差定义及 公差标准中的不足,提出同轴度 误差的新定义、描述参数、公差标准及测量方法。

  • Thus we proposed VoIP traffic tolerance mechanism which allow voice frame with error pass CRC check to reduce unnecessary retransmissions finally improve QoS of VoIP traffic .

    为此,论文提出了VoIP业务 容错机制,对VoIP业务在MAC层进行 容错处理,忽略CRC校验,减少不必要的重传,提高VoIP业务的总体服务质量。

  • Tolerance restricts manufacturing error of part and allowance redeems the error that comes into being in the process of product assembly .

    容差和工艺余量分别是控制零件制造 误差和补偿产品装配累积误差的重要参数。

  • Application of tolerance zone to calculating locating error with two points method through calculation

    公差带在两点法计算定位 误差中的应用

  • A graphic analytical method using tolerance circle to analyze the positional alignment error in the single piece maching

    单件加工中位置度 误差 公差圆图解分析法

  • The Measurement of Surface Profile Tolerance Error of Automotive Covering Parts

    汽车覆盖件面轮廓 误差的测量

  • Analysis on Tolerance for Fabrication Error of Phase Mask for UV written Fiber Bragg Grating

    紫外写入光纤光栅用亚μm相位掩模板制作 误差 分析

  • Consequently an urgent problem is to ensure the tolerance of hardware error to strengthen the tolerance of software error to integrate hardware and software fault-tolerant technique in operating system level .

    导出了现代 错误 容忍设计急待解决的关键问题:确保硬件忍 ,强化软件容错,在系统级整合软、硬件容错。

  • Introduces the effect of tangent directional synthetic tolerance in driving to long-periodic error and how to diminish maximal rotation angle tolerance in order to improve stationarity and drive accuracy that gear wheels move .

    介绍齿轮切向综合 误差在传动中对长周期 误差的影响,减小最大转角误差,提高齿轮运动的平稳性和传动精度。

  • Application of Tolerance Error and Loading & Balancing Capability in Distributed System


  • The rotation error of the precision sliding will decrease the work quality of the equipments ; some equipment directly caused maching tolerance or measuring error .

    精密轴回转误差会造成设备运行质量下降,有的设备直接造成加工 误差或测量 误差

  • The optical light superimposes fiber dispersion and noise after long transmission which makes the OSNR tolerance decrease at receiver and judgment error increase .

    经过长距离传输后的光信号,叠加了光纤色散和噪声,使光模块接收机端的信噪比容 下降,导致判决 误差增大。

  • Tolerance Error Imformation System Design


  • An analysis of round tolerance error accuracy of crooked axis diameter of 3-point method

    三点法轴径圆 误差精度分析

  • Automatic Analysis of System Tolerance Based on Error Graph

    基于 误差图进行系统 容差的自动化分析

  • At the same time the support of software fault tolerance by the way of the EDAC ( Error Detection And Correction ) and the protection of system stack were added .

    同时对μC/OS-II操作系统以及应用程序进行改进,在程序的内部加入了 错误检测和校正(EDAC)、函数堆栈保护等 容错功能。

  • The definition of surface profile tolerance and the different measure method of surface profile tolerance error are introduced in this paper .

    介绍了面轮廓度公差的定义及面轮廓 误差的各种测量方法。