tone up

[toʊn ʌp][təun ʌp]


  • It has many physical activities : it can tone up our body and can strongly inhibit lymphoma breast cancer and other cancer cells ; it can enhance the immune function and can cure acute radiation injury and the damage caused by chemical substances .

    10-HDA具有多种生理活性:它能 强壮机体和强烈抑制淋巴癌、乳腺癌等多种癌细胞,增强机体免疫功能,治疗急性辐射损伤和化学物质所致损伤等。

  • While from the perspective of tone organization manners it involves tone overlying and reducing tone unifying and partial dyeing and tone connecting and pasting up .

    从音色的组织方式来分析,包括音色的叠加与削减,音色的统一统一基调与局部染色, 音色的转接与拼

  • People developed up virtual war method it 's just about good approach which can tone up army battle effectiveness in base of the virtual reality technology .

    在虚拟现实技术基础 发展起来的虚拟战争方法,正是研究 增强军队战斗力的有效途径。

  • You might feel silly but sitting on a fitness ball instead of a chair when you watch telly will help tone up your belly .

    也许你觉得做有点傻,竟然坐在 减肥球上而日常 惯的椅子看电视;

  • In a kind slow tone she made up some examples of how she memorized words and grammar more differently than the students had done before .

    她用和缓的 语调,举例讲述 她怎样用一些与以前同学们不同的学习方法记忆单词和语法。

  • If the tone array queue is up to capacity compute the deviation for each tone .

    如果 音调数组队列 取决于容量,就可以计算每个音调的偏差。

  • I 've been trying to tone up at a health club . She trills merrily .

    我一直努力地在一家健康俱乐部里 锻炼 身体。她欢乐地用颤声歌唱。

  • The doctor prescribed a medicine to tone up the system . constitutional predisposition to a particular disease or abnormality .

    医生开了一种 增强 体质的药。对于某种疾病增强身体素质的倾向。

  • The traditional linguistics of China focuses treating phonetics in the structure and treating tone as equally as initial consonants and simple or compound vowels in function that is initial consonants simple or compound vowels as well as tone make up of syllables .

    中国传统语言学注重从结构来看待语音,把声调当作与声母,韵母并列的成分,即声母、韵母、 声调共同 组成音节。

  • You like me probably want to lose some weight and tone up .

    你和我一样,可能要失去一些重量和 语调

  • That means it 's possible that the effects on muscle tone won 't show up until the brain has been starved of orexins for some period of time he says .

    他说这意味着大脑在食欲素缺乏一段时间之后才可能使 肌力丧失 出现

  • The exercises and they will tone your muscles up nicely .

    做做这种操,可以 使你的肌肉发达。

  • As far as I know swimming is the best way to tone up your whole body . Entertainment should include sports events or physical activities .

    就我所知,游泳是 锻炼 身体的最好方式。体育运动和身体锻炼会是不错的休闲方式。

  • Strengthening cost management and lowering cost has become an important measure to help enterprise to boost benefit and tone up market competition .

    加强成本管理、降低成本是企业提高经济效益 增强市场竞争力的重要手段。

  • It 's important to tone up and keep fit .

    她们进行 调整 保持状态是很重要的。

  • Section TV the characteristics of the main melodies into the following five areas : small three times the melody the melodic whole tone chromatic melody up fixed the sound patterns of melodies continue to sustain long homonym repeat value .

    第四节,把旋律进行的特征主要归为以下五个方面:小三度进行的旋律、 全音进行的旋律、半音 上行的旋律、固定音型式的旋律、长时值持续 和同音重复。

  • It is necessary to enhance throat enginery improve resonance timbre tone up the aesthetic feeling of voice and improve voice technical skill targets in voice exercise and study .

    在声音的修炼上,要提高嗓音机能,改善共鸣 音质增强声音的美感,提高声音技术技巧指标。

  • Second join a health club and exercise regularly to tone up your body .

    第二,参加健身俱乐部,定期做运动, 身体更 结实

  • We will not see them until September when they return filled with a post-holiday determination to slim down and tone up before disappearing again a fortnight later .

    然后我们一直见不到他们,直到9月份,当他们重返健身俱乐部时,满怀着假日结束后的决心,想要 瘦身,想要健壮,然后在两周之内再一次消失得无影无踪。

  • Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi aid procurement of water and mineral nutrition by citrus roots with sparse root-hairs and expedite the process of growth and development and tone up the competence of stresses-resistance resultantly as well as get the availability of carbon from citrus .

    丛枝菌根真菌可以帮助根毛稀少的柑橘获取水分和矿质营养,促进柑橘生长发育, 增强柑橘抗逆境能力,而柑橘可以为丛枝菌根真菌提供所需的碳源。

  • I need to tone up with more exercise and a change of diet .

    我需要加强锻炼和改变饮食来 增强 质。

  • First of all we must industrious wash hands ensure sufficient sleep and propriety athletics that will let our resistance tone up .

    首先,我们一定要勤洗手,保证充足睡眠和适当的运动,这样能让我们抵抗力 增强

  • These exercises will tone up your muscles .

    这些运动方式会 强健你的肌肉。

  • More exercise and a change of diet & that is what you need to tone you up .

    加强身体锻炼和改变饮食结构&这便是 增强你的 体质所需要的。

  • It seems that this area holds a lot of fat and as such it is important to find the best exercises to build those muscles which will help tone them up and trim them down .

    问题是这一部位拥有大量脂肪,因此,重要的是要找到最佳的健身方法把 肌肉建立 起来,同时把脂肪削减下去。