The last comment may have been tongue-in-cheek but the takeaway thought he said was that GM knew its weaknesses as well as anyone else .
他说,虽然最后一句 话 有些 开 玩笑 的 意思,但是言下之意是,通用公司与 外界一样深知自己的弱点。
The embassy responded with a tongue-in-cheek introduction to different kinds of potatoes and a selection of cooking techniques .
大使馆用一种 半 开 玩笑 的 语气对 网民 的 留言做出了回复,介绍了不同种类的土豆和土豆 美食的烹饪方法。
This was said somewhat tongue-in-cheek but there is a serious point to the question .
当然这种说法 有些 开 玩笑 的 意味,但是确实存在 这样的问题。
The offer was made almost tongue-in-cheek .
这种提议差不多 只是 说说 而已。
Don 't take her so seriously that was just a tongue-in-cheek remark .
不要对此太认真,她只是半 开 玩笑 地说这话的。
The tongue-in-cheek post stresses its zombie survival advice including stocking up on water food and medications will also work for real disasters .
这些 半 开 玩笑的僵尸生存 指南教导 人们要存储水、食物和药品等, 这些建议在真正灾害来临时,同样 具有重要意义。
I suspect even some Americans use them in a tongue-in-cheek manner ?
不过我怀疑甚至一些美国人 也是 虚情假意地在用它们。
The Union Jack is quite tongue-in-cheek .
英国国旗是相当 舌 半 开 玩笑。
He offered some tongue-in-cheek advice about keeping out of the rain .
他就 避免淋雨出了些 似真 非 真的主意。
' You rascal ! You took my bike earlier this week but forgot to tell me where you 'd leave it ! the tongue-in-cheek note begins .
在这 封 打趣的信的开头写到:你这个混蛋,你在这周早些时候偷走我的自行车,却忘了告诉我你要把它放在哪里。
Lincoln himself was highly skillful in the use of tongue-in-cheek humor .
林肯本人运用 “ 戏谑 式 ”幽默 也 得心应手。
His tongue-in-cheek humour mixed with witty repartee along with his comic juggling antics and magic tricks have won him many repeat bookings .
他幽默诙谐的 对答,滑稽动作给滑稽杂技魔术,为他带来不少忠实的客人。
This is all slightly tongue-in-cheek I 'd like to make that clear
这一切都有些 缺少 诚意,我想清楚地指出 这点。
While the slowdown has alarmed many Chinese media outlets and netizens Slumping Economy takes a tongue-in-cheek approach .
虽然经济降温给许多中国媒体和网民敲响了警钟,但 “不景气 ” 却采取了一种 半 开 玩笑的态度。
Over the years the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released a couple of tongue-in-cheek zombie warnings which really are just disaster-preparedness stunts .
在过去的几年里,美国疾病控制和防御中心 也曾发布过数十条 半 开 玩笑 地僵尸预警, 不过这只是预防疾病的噱头 而已。
Cartoonist Tony Auth reverses Superman 's routine to make a tongue-in-cheek comment on California 's new governor 56-year-old muscleman Arnold Schwarzenegger .
漫画家托尼·奥特把超人的这一惯常做法倒了过来, 用以取笑加州新州长 &56岁的肌肉发达的阿诺德·施瓦辛格。
Television viewers are being given a chance to choose a wife for Prince William in a tongue-in-cheek show .
电视台 “ 四 频道”的 数字 频道 “ E4”将在一个 闲谈节目中让电视观众们为威廉王子 选妃。
Were they written tongue-in-cheek or with an underlying conviction ?
它们只是 随便写 出来 的 呢,还是有什么深层的信念?
When he said you 're fat it 's just tongue-in-cheek don 't take it personally .
他说你肥胖,只是 开 玩笑,请不要太在乎。
Thus this was tongue-in-cheek fashion the liquid bronze metallic dresses with moulded exaggerated hips poking fun at the old-fashioned notions of what was to come .
因此,这曾是 半 开 玩笑的时尚,液态青铜色金属材质的衣裙,带着塑形夸张的髋部,取笑着那些对未来事物的老式看法。
This is a tongue-in-cheek definition .
这种定义有 嘲讽 的 意味。
In the case of this image I wanted to represent New York in a tongue-in-cheek fanciful way .
在本图中,我希望用一种 戏谑、荒诞的方式来表现纽约。
It seems tongue-in-cheek to me because at that point in history people knew that this way of looking at the world was no longer relevant .
这在我看来 有些 半 开 玩笑 的 性质,因为在那个历史时期,人们已经知道这样看待世界不再有意义。
The video that they released this week was partly tongue-in-cheek a nod to the amateur production values and juvenile sense of humour of YouTube 's many part-time auteurs .
他们这周公布的视频,从某种程度上说 具有 半 开 玩笑 的 性质,是对业余爱好者作品价值和YouTube许多兼职导演幼稚幽默感的首肯。
Her latest play is a firmly tongue-in-cheek look at the world of advertising .
她最近的剧本全是对广告界的 挖苦。
It 's almost like a tongue-in-cheek play on the climactic moment of a traditional car chase .
这就好似一出传统追车戏在高潮部分突然变成了一 出 哑剧。