


  • BW rubber expander glue bond substitutes for stepped joint or tongued and grooved joint in the horizontal joint site on the outside wall of basement .

    在地下室外墙 施工中, 铺设BW 温水膨胀橡胶 止水 ,取代了水平接缝处留阶梯缝或 凸凹缝的 作法

  • Nor can I like that fluent sweet tongued Greek Otherwise you 'll never learn to speak English fluently .

    我也不能像那位希腊人 文章 流畅,不然永远也无法流畅地说英文。

  • I hate that slimy ( - tongued ) fellow .

    我恨那个 油嘴滑舌的家伙。

  • Floor boarding is laid in varying widths the individual boards usually being tongued and grooved to one another and nailed to the floor joists .

    楼板铺设的宽度是不等的。每条木板通常 连接,并钉在楼板梁上。

  • Nor can I like that fluent sweet tongued greek .

    我也不能像那位希腊人 文章 流畅

  • The one who tongued Abby at the wedding ?

    就是那个在婚礼上 艾比 法式 热吻的?

  • If people would hold their tongued from unkind speech fewer people would be hurt .

    如果人们不 不友好的话,那么就会有更少的人受伤害。

  • Tell Emma about the transsexual you tongued .

    告诉艾玛有关跟你 舌吻的变性人。