


  • Why don 't you cry again you little wretch ?

    这会儿你为什么不哭,你 这个坏蛋

  • He was an unfeeling wretch .

    他是个冷酷的 家伙

  • The wretch requited his benefactors by betraying them .

    这个 卑鄙 家伙不思回报,反而把救他的人都出卖了。

  • I hope you 're happy I 'm an ink-stained wretch !


  • Oh what a wretch am I ! Cried Ralph the rover .

    啊,我真是个 混蛋!海盗拉尔夫嚷道。

  • Where have you been wretch ? Here is Jerry crying her eyes out for you .

    坏蛋,你 哪儿去了?杰瑞为了你大哭不止。

  • He 's a wretch a scoundrel that 's what he is !

    他是个 坏蛋,恶棍,就是这么一回事!

  • I felt disgusted at the little wretch 's composure .

    我对于这个小 可怜 的坦然态度极感厌恶。

  • I did not say you were a wretch nor have I ever said so .

    我并没有说你是一个 坏人,而且我从来也没有这么说过。

  • The dead husband is not the dishonoured wretch they fancied him .

    死去的丈夫不是他们所想象的不光彩的 坏蛋

  • Oh what have you done you wretch !

    噢,你都干了些什么,你 这个 混蛋

  • C : Well I would be an ungrateful wretch if I didn 't tell you at least once that it was you who brought some meaning back into my life .

    上校:如果我一次也不跟你说:是你给我的生命带来了新的意义,那我可就是个忘恩负义的 坏蛋了。

  • Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me .

    奇异恩典,乐声何等甜美拯救了像我 这般 无助

  • Will you tell me where you are going you wretch ?


  • What shall a wretch like me say ?

    可怜的我, 那时将说什么呢?

  • That 's not what he said you ignorant wretch .

    他不是那个意思,你 这个无知的 笨蛋

  • And I shall certainly go to see him beheaded on the guillotine the wretch !

    有一 ,我会看见你上断头台的, 坏蛋

  • I will have one you cruel wretch !

    我要一 ,你 残忍的 坏人

  • The despicable wretch who stole the old woman 's money .

    偷了老太婆钱的那个 卑鄙的家伙。

  • In the election he played the role of a contemptible wretch making trouble .

    在选举中他扮演了一个 跳梁小丑的角色。

  • The miserable wretch lost his all .

    这个 贱骨头失去了他的一切。

  • You are a lying wretch !

    你是个撒谎的 家伙

  • You are really an ungrateful wretch to complain instead of thanking him .

    你不但不谢他,还埋怨他,真 不知好歹

  • Tom was touched for he knew by his own experience how this wretch had suffered .

    汤姆心里很难受,因为他根据自己亲身的经验,知道这个 倒霉 了多大的苦头。

  • You wretch ! You 've taken the book I wanted .

    这个 坏蛋!你把我想要的书拿走了。

  • Before the poor wretch had time to speak he was shot .

    这个 可怜 来得及开口 就中了枪。

  • But you wretch vilest of all men !

    人类中的 妖孽

  • Just one more ink-stained wretch .

    只是个沾墨水的 可怜