Y level

回转水准仪, Y式水准仪

  • In the linear dose range the extensive uncertainty of alanine / ESR dosimetry system is 4 % for 60Co Y - ray irradiation and 6 % for electron beam irradiation ( in 95 % confidence level ) .

    在线性剂量范围内,该剂量体系测量60Co γ射线和电子束吸收剂量的扩展不确定度分别为4.2%和6.2%(95%置信 水平),适合作为电子束传递剂量标准。

  • According to the characteristic of the manual worktable modified transmission device the worktable can be moved along X 、 Y direction on the level on the control of computer .

    结合原有工作台的特点,改变其驱动装置,使工作台在计算机的控制下能在 平面上沿X、 Y方向运动。

  • Changes in Neuropeptide Y Y _1 Receptor mRNA Level in the Infarcted Myocardial Tissues of Rats

    心肌梗塞后大鼠心肌组织中神经肽 YY1受体mRNA 水平的改变

  • Interest points are useful low level features where the image gray-value changes two dimensionally .

    兴趣点是一种非常有用的图像 底层特征,它是图像灰度在 xy两个 方向 都有 很大变化的一 特殊点。

  • According to Murata Y at el macrophages can be divided into two classes basing on intracellular GSH level namely the reductive macrophages ( RMp ) with high expression of intracellular concent of GSH and the oxidative macrophages ( OMp ) with less content of GSH .

    巨噬细胞可根据细胞内GSH的含量分为两种类型,即GSH 含量高的还原型巨噬细胞( reductivemacrophages,RMp)和含少量GSH的氧化型巨噬细胞(oxidativemacrophages,OMp)。

  • The bond angle of Mn-O-Mn decreases with increasing y which indicates the presence of Jahn-Teller effect in MnO_6 octahedron . On the contrary σ ~ 2 which reflects A-site cation disorder increases linearly with vacancy level y.

    Mn-O-Mn键角随 y增加而减小,表明MnO6八面体发生了Jahn-Teller畸变,而反映A位离子无序度的σ~2随y 增加呈现出线性增大趋势。

  • Effect of Mirtazapine on Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Changes of Neuropeptide-Y Level

    米氮平 联合匹维 治疗肠易激综合征的效果 及其神经肽 Y 水平的影响

  • Objective : To observe the effect of Salviae miltiorrhizae ( SM ) on the plasma level of Neurotensin ( NT ) and Neuropeptide Y ( NPY ) in patients with chronic cor pulmonale ( CCP ) .

    目的:观察丹参对慢性肺源性心脏病(CCP)患者 血浆神经降压素(NT)及神经肽 Y(NPY)含量的影响。

  • It can be said that Y M. C. A. made itself from the margins to the center both from the social level and political level .

    可以说, 青年会不论是从社会 层面还是政治层面都从边缘走到了中心。

  • The changes in the level of neuropeptide Y ( NPY ) in the hypothalamus and plasma were investigated in the rats with deficiency of splenic qi .

    为了探讨脾气虚模型大鼠下丘脑、血浆神经肽 Y(NPY)的变化。

  • Differential Expressed in mRNA Level of Neuropeptide Y and Its Receptors in the Chicken Hypothalamus

    鸡下丘脑神经肽 Y及其受体基因的 组织差异表达

  • The level of neuropeptide Y in serum of patients with psoriasis is higher than normal . 3 .

    银屑病患者血清神经肽 Y 水平高于正常人。

  • Secondly we also theoretically study the slow light in the double quantum dots Y-shape level structure by the density matrix theory .

    另外,我们还通过密度矩阵理论理论研究了双量子点中 Y 能级结构中的慢光。

  • The regulators said E & Y had failed to undertake their audit work on the Sino-forest engagement with a sufficient level of professional Scepticism .

    加拿大监管机构称, 安永“未能以 充分的专业怀疑眼光展开其对嘉汉林业的审计工作”。

  • The healthy rhizoidal cell immature spermatium cell and immature zygospore cell all present high Y ( II ) level .

    健康的假根细胞、已分化未成熟的精子以及果孢子细胞均具有很高的 Y(II)。

  • Analyzes the underlying causes why maintenance of quality in Y telecommunications companies stays at low level compared with other companies through the study of the situation in Y telecommunications company . 3 .

    通过研究Y电信公司维护质量的现状,分析 Y电信公司维护质量相比其它公司一直处于较低 水平的潜在原因。

  • Study on the Level of Leptin and Neuropeptide Y mRNA Expression of Diet-induced Obesity and Diet-induced Obesity Resistant Rats

    膳食诱导肥胖及肥胖抵抗大鼠瘦素 水平和神经肽 ymRNA的表达研究

  • The effective implementation of these measures will enable Y enterprise promote the internal control system in current accounts area optimize the business processes improve work efficiency improve the management level in current accounts .

    对这些措施的有效实施,将使 Y企业在往来账款方面的内部控制制度更加完善,优化了业务流程,提高了工作效率,也提高了 Y企业往来账款的管理 水平

  • Changes of NPY level and gene expression in brain of spleen-deficiency rat model and influence of Guipi Decoction

    脾虚模型脑内 神经肽 Y 水平和基因表达变化及归脾汤的影响

  • AIM : To investigate the chenges of plasma neuropeptide Y ( NPY ) level in aldosterone ( Ald ) - induced cardiac hypertrophic rats .

    目的:探讨醛固酮(Ald)诱导心肌肥大的大鼠模型中,血浆神经肽 Y(NPY) 含量的变化。方法:健康雄性Wis-tar大鼠21只,随机分为3组:1正常对照组;

  • The results showed that the crystallinity of zeolite Y increased with Na ~ + / Ca ~ ( 2 + ) ratio increasing . The impure phase of zeolite P was caused in high level of alkalinity .

    结果表明:随着体系中Ca2+含量的减小、Na+含量增加、老化时间延长,分子 结晶 提高,高碱度是P型分子筛杂晶生成的原因。

  • Jim Turley chairman and chief executive said E & Y had decided four non-executives would be appointed at an international level because the risks about litigation regulation and reputation faced by the firm were all global .

    安永董事长兼首席执行官特黎(jimturley)表示, 安永已决定在国际 层面上任命4名非执行董事,因为该事务所面临的“诉讼、监管和声誉风险”都是全球性的。

  • In type 2 diabetics the level of TNF - α was significantly higher than that of controls ( P < 0.05 ) but no difference were found in the level of NPY and leptin between diabetic groups and control group ( both P > 0.05 ) .

    餐后胰岛素 更低(P<0.05)。②2型糖尿病患者TNF-α仍然明显高于对照组(P<0.05),但是 神经肽 Y和瘦素无明显差异(P均>0.05)。

  • The terminal service quality in Y telecom companies maintains at the low level compared with other companies . So it still had a long way to go .

    Y电信公司未梢维护服务质量相比其它公司一直处于较低 水平,离公司考核指标还有较大的差距。

  • Due to the development of molecular biology and genetics and the establishment of Y chromosome physical map the study of male infertility etiology has reached in molecular level .

    随着分子生物学和遗传学的发展,随着人类 Y染色体DNA序列标记的物理图谱的建立,对男性不育病因学的研究也深入到分子 水平

  • But when the content of the rear earth ions exceeds the theoretical exchange level of zeolite Y the maximum amount of rear earth ions in the cages of zeolite Y is the amount of theoretical exchange level .

    当稀土含量超过Y沸石的最大理论交换量时, 沸石笼中稀土离子含量只能达到理论交换

  • Yunnan Province actively exploring the strategies monitoring and evaluating the quality of basic education especially the monitoring and evaluation of students ' academic level has been monitoring a number of pilot in Kunming Y County and achieved good results .

    云南省也在对基础教育质量监测与评估进行着积极的探索,尤其是对学生学业 水平的监测与评估,目前已经在昆明市和 Y县进行了多次试点监测,取得了不错的成绩。

  • In what follows the level of national income or y will be measured in current prices .

    在下文中,国民收入 水平,即 y,将按现行价格计量。