total power

[ˈtotl ˈpaʊɚ][ˈtəutəl ˈpauə]


  • First the students are the engine room school with a total power trip suddenly after re-closing of a classroom there were about one-third of the computer to declare a strike in this way .

    一次,学生们正在机房上课, 电源突然跳闸,重新合闸之后,一个教室竟有大约三分之一的计算机以这种方式宣布罢工。

  • Shadows play a key role on mismatch of the solar battery group and total power generation efficiency .

    阴影对太阳能电池组的失配和 总体 发电效率影响很大。

  • The mid-resolution microwave scanning radiometer is a conical scanning total power radiometer with a fixed visual angle and double-reference temperature .

    仪器实施的方案为固定视角圆锥扫描双参考温度外部两点式周期定标 功率型。

  • Research on prediction model of the total power of agricultural machinery based on BP Neural Network

    基于BP神经网络的农机 动力预测模型研究

  • That means the total power required for a probe to reach the stars is much less .

    这意味着一艘探测器到到达恒星所需的 能量要少得多。

  • The radiation mode image and total power are obtained by hot test which is based on precisely calibrating of the measurement system .

    在准确标定测量系统的基础上进行了热测实验,得到了辐射模式图和辐射 功率

  • The reaction to the total power factor of some the same inductive loads in parallel are presented .

    讨论了串联电容法对多组感性负载并联电路 功率因数的影响。

  • In addition the multiple clocks technique is introduced into the timing randomization mechanism to avoid total power analysis .

    为了保证时间随机化方法的效能,本文也提出和应用了多时钟技术来抑制 功耗分析。

  • The influence of total power of jamming signals is also been involved in this dissertation .

    推导了干扰信号 合成 功率

  • The relative total power of the EEG increased .

    脑电相对 功率增加(P<0.05)。

  • The sovereign holds total power over all the institutions of civilian and ecclesiastical life holding sway over a kind of peaceable kingdom .

    君主拥有 绝对 权力,它高于所有的平民机构或是教会机构,支配着和平的国家。

  • Research on Ka-band Dual-polarization Direct Detection Total Power Radiometer

    Ka波段双极化直接检波式 功率辐射计研究

  • The total electricity consumption is defined as the total power consumption of all electricity in the country field .

    全社会用电量是指全国范围内所有用电领域的 消耗 总量

  • Also two important energy forms of thermoacoustic system : acoustic power and total power are discussed in details .

    在此基础上,阐述了热声系统中两种重要的能量形式:声 总能流,得到了它们的可用公式。

  • Power dissipation in clock network distribution is one of the major sources of total power dissipation on a chip .

    时钟网路的功率消耗是晶片 全部 功率消耗的主要来源之ㄧ。

  • Note : 1 The total power does not include of screw conveyor ;

    注:1、 功率中不包含螺旋机的 功率

  • To take the total power microwave radiometer for example the simulative study has been done and the result is given .


  • This paper introduces the design of the S-band total power radiometer which can be used for calibration of the noise source and design of its IF amplifier . Recording curves of the stability and sensitivity of the radiometer are also given .

    文中介绍了用于校准噪声源的一种S波段的 功率辐射计及其中频放大器的设计,并给出了该辐射计的稳定性和灵敏度记录曲线。

  • Political contests become a struggle for total power .

    政治竞争成了夺取 全部 权力的斗争。

  • Considering the interference from other cells the total power is minimized in OFDMA cellular systems by adjusting the subcarriers and power allocation with a central allocation approach .

    在多小区OFDMA系统中,基于集中式资源管理,考虑本小区对其它小区的干扰情况,对各个小区的子载波和功率分配进行调整,从而达到最小化 功率的目的。

  • During this test total power consumption shall be checked .

    在上述试验中,应检查 电量

  • The Yueyang county government requires that the number of its sand dredges should not exceed six and the total power used should not exceed 13 horsepower .

    其时,岳阳县规定采砂船数量只能是6条, 功率为1.3万马力。

  • Watt-Hour Meter A watt-hour meter records the total power output at a specific point in a system . Typical recording increment is in kW-hours .

    电度表电度表记录系统中某一点的 电力输出,通常以千瓦时为记录单位。

  • With the new Powerware PDU it 's never been a more convenient time to complete your total power management solution .

    随着新爱克赛警犬队,这是从来没有一个更方便的时间来完成您的 功率管理解决方案。

  • The total power of at the same time in the work load must be less than the household solar PV power output power .

    同时工作的负载的 功率之和必须小于太阳能户用电源的输出功率。

  • The reason for the growing of total power consumption and growing points in Zhangjiakou area in 2004 is analyzed and power supply and demand in 2005 is evaluated and prospected in order to provide guidance for power network development .

    对张家口地区2004年 社会 电量增长原因和增长点进行了全面分析,提出了2005年张家口地区电力市场需求的展望和预测,对电网发展具有指导意义。