


  • Vasan who has tested the system on herself said that volunteers find it tolerable .

    Vasan在自己身上测试了这个系统,她说志愿者觉得它是 可以 忍受的。

  • That is tolerable so long as sacrifices are equally shared and there are real opportunities for self-improvement .

    只要所有人都有自我牺牲精神,并且真的有自我改善的机会,这就是 可以 容忍的。

  • But in general you 're fun or at least tolerable to be around .

    但是,总的来说,你还是蛮有趣的,至少让周围的人 可以 忍受

  • If needed you can use an over-the-counter pain reliever like acetaminophen until the pain is tolerable .

    如果需要,你可以使用非处方的止疼药,比如退热净,直到受伤部位的疼痛 可以 忍受为止。

  • We couldn 't even make his life tolerable .


  • It considers uncertainties in both estimated displacements under expected service loads and the limiting tolerable displacements .

    此判据既考虑了限制 容许位移的不确定性,也考虑了期望荷载下的估计位移的不确定性。

  • And inequality is more tolerable if its beneficiaries behave well .

    最后,如果不平等的受益者举止得当, 人们对不平等的 容忍 也会更高。

  • She could bear the disappointments of other people with tolerable fortitude .

    她以 容忍的坚忍不拔忍受别人的失落。

  • His pronunciation if not good is at least tolerable .


  • Overall process of estimating the magnitude of risk and deciding whether or not the risk is tolerable .

    评价风险大小以及确定风险是否 容许的全过程。

  • Is there anywhere tolerable to eat in town ?

    城里有什么 的地方 可以吃饭吗?

  • Studying acute toxicity and maximum tolerable dose of Astragalus composition F3 new preparation .

    研究黄芪成分F3新制剂的急性毒性和最大 耐受量。

  • It makes it a lot more tolerable .

    让我觉得 容易 忍受 了。

  • We had a very tolerable ie excellent lunch .

    我们吃了顿很 不错的午饭。

  • He fell asleep just past midnight with tolerable ease

    他刚过午夜就睡着了,睡 还算 安稳

  • However they add new effective and tolerable agents are needed to improve survival in older patients .

    他们补充说,而提高更大年龄患者的生存率还需要新的有效的 相容的因子。

  • Only the solution architect can decide what level of coupling is tolerable for a particular system .

    只有解决方案架构师能够决定一个特定的系统 能够 容忍什么程度的耦合性。

  • Although by no means a cure it goes a long way towards making the patient 's life more tolerable .

    虽然并不能根治,但它对减轻病人的痛苦大有 帮助

  • He described their living conditions as tolerable .

    他把他们的生活条件描述为“ 尚可 忍受”。

  • But this can hardly be a tolerable bargain between financial insiders and wider society .

    但在金融圈内人士和更广泛的社会之间,很难 就此达成 一致

  • The threshold level is set below the maximum tolerable response time .

    阈值水平设置为低于最大 忍受响应时间。

  • Some inequality is inevitable and there seem to be three principal factors that make it more tolerable .

    某些不平等是不可避免的,其 之所以 容忍,似乎是因为 下面三个主要因素。

  • Fear of rapid social change made temporary acquiescence in slavery tolerable in the South .

    对飞速的社会变革的恐惧使得南部对奴隶制暂时的默许 变得 可以 忍受

  • The food was just about tolerable but the service was appalling .

    菜还 可以,但是服务太差了。

  • The levels of tolerable pain vary greatly from individual to individual

    对疼痛的 耐受程度因人而异,差别很大。

  • Conclusion Tacrolimus ointment is effective safe and tolerable in the topical treatment of psoriasis vulgaris .

    结论 他克莫司软膏外用治疗寻常型银屑病具有良好疗效和安全性。

  • The experts established a provisional tolerable monthly intake ( PTMI ) of70 picogram / kg per month .

    专家确定了暂定每月 容许摄入量(PTMI)是70微微克/公斤。

  • After the announcement yields on Italian and Spanish government bonds fell to far more tolerable levels .

    声明公布后,意大利和西班牙政府债券收益率下跌,跌到了人们更 容忍的水平。

  • People will oppose some of these policies . But mass starvation is not a tolerable option .

    人们会反对其中一些政策,但大范围饥荒不是一个 可以 容忍的选择。