toll call

[tol kɔl][təul kɔ:l]


  • If something goes wrong simply make one toll free call at the hot-line 24 hours a day .

    如果出现什么问题,您只要拔打24小时 免费 电话就可以了。

  • The design of the real-time data communication function needed by the road toll system is discussed . The communication function is encapsulated as a suit of the general-purpose and secure components and can be provided for the application to call so as to enhance the development efficiency .

    介绍了公路 收费系统中所需的实时数据通信功能的设计,并通过组件方式,将其制作成具有一定安全性的通用组件,提供给应用系统 调用,从而提高开发效率。

  • This month I had to pay200 yuan RMB toll call .

    这个月我要缴200元的 电话

  • A regional toll call requires that the user to dial 1 plus an area code before dialing the 7-digit telephone number .

    用户拨打 长途须在区号前加拨数字1,然后输入7位电话号码。

  • To define an appropriate implement process of data real-time collection and manual backup is an important task for the telecommunication company to carry out centralized billing for toll call .

    定义一个合适的实时采集和人工备份的实现流程是电信企业在 长途 电话集中计费所面临的一个重要课题。

  • Customer Support-With brand-name computer companies you are usually provided with a24-hour toll free number that you can call if you have questions or concerns with your computer .

    客户支援-以名牌电脑公司通常提供您24小时 免费号码,你可以 致电如果你有问题或关切你的电脑。

  • An Optimal Algorithm of Tariff - Rate Storing and Searching for Toll Call in SPC Switching System

    程控交换 长途计费的费率存贮与查询优化算法