tone language

[toʊn ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ][təun ˈlæŋɡwidʒ]


  • A language that uses tones to signal word meanings and grammatical categories is called Tone Language .

    凡是用声调作为手段来表示“词汇意义和词的语法意义”的语言,被称为“ 声调 语言”;

  • Analysis on Tone Language and Intonation Language

    声调 语言和语调语言

  • The tonal modification which is the main tonal change in a language is a commom phenomenon in every tone language .

    变调是每一种有 声调 语言普遍存在的音变现象,是语言里最主要的音变。

  • But your tone and the language should be conversational and warm and engaging .

    但是你的 语气 语言应该随意且温暖。

  • Chinese is a kind of tone language which has abundant prosodic features .

    汉语是 声调 语言,节律特征十分丰富。

  • Please tone down your language .


  • In an intonation language like English pitch changes indicate attitudinal and emotional meaning while in a tone language like Zhuang changes in intonation and pitch mark phonemic differences .

    在语调语言如英语中,语调的变化表明说话者的态度和情感;而在 声调 语言如壮语中,声调和音高的变化标志着音位差异。

  • Some Chinese idioms have their equivalence in a similar Russian idiom but the translator has used a free method of translation because he wants to keep a consistent tone with the original language .

    也有些汉语成语能找到相似的俄语成语但是译者却采用了意译法是因为译者想保持跟原文 语言 色彩一致而采用了意译法。

  • Second main lessons are as follows : ( 1 ) Chinese is a tone language the phonemic characters of Chinese can 't ignore the tone .

    它给我们的主要教训是:(1)汉语是 声调 语言,设计汉语的音素文字不能忽视声调。

  • In the use of language the language of poetry Shaping now her children literature gentle tone including language .

    在语言的运用上,语言的诗性美体现在她的儿童文学作品中温柔的 语调,包含情思的 语言

  • Humorous Tone and Ironic Language & Analyzing the Languages Features of David Lodge 's Trilogy of Campus Novels

    戏谑的 语言,反讽的 笔调试析戴维·洛奇校园三部曲的语言特色

  • This paper is meant to help the Chinese English-learners to overcome the phonetic transfer of the mother tongue by comparing and analyzing some phonetic features of the Chinese and English languages such as phoneme tone / intonation language stress ami rhythm .

    通过汉英两种语言对比,从音位、 声调/语调 语言、重音和节奏等 层面分析了汉语语音对英语学习的负迁移作用,以便更好地帮助学生克服母语的负迁移影响,提高英语学习效率。

  • Fruit and Vegetable Bearing Plants and Trees host the vibration of Fortitude a dual tone in the Language of Light .

    水果和蔬菜方面的植物和树木掌握“坚定”的振动,光 语言中的一个双重 音调

  • Chinese is a tone language .

    汉语是一种 声调 语言

  • You must tone down your language ; stop swearing .

    讲话温文一点,不要出口 骂人

  • Their comments on tone body language and cultural nuance will provide essential information to negotiators .

    他们对 语调、体态 语言以及文化上的细微差别方面的评论将为谈判者提供重要的信息。

  • The use of partial tone in network language makes it show charming .

    而许多网络 词语 语句正是运用了 谐音的手段,使网络 语言呈现出其特有的魅力。

  • Specifically the knowledge of English stress patterns acquired by native speaker of Mandarin which is a tone language is investigated .

    具体来说,是研究 母语为普通话的 英语习得者对于英语中的重音放置习得。

  • And I 'm pretty sure that Swedish is not a tone language .

    我敢肯定的 语气 ,瑞典不是 语言

  • Yellow Calcite is holding the breath of life tone in the Language of Light .

    黄色方解石持有光之 中生命呼吸的 音调

  • English and Chinese belong to different language system . English is stress-timed language and Chinese is a tone language . It is difficult for Chinese English learners to have a good command of English pronunciation and intonation .

    英语和汉语是两种截然不同的语系,英语属于节奏语言,而汉语则是 声调 语言,因此对于中国的英语学习者来说,要掌握好英语语音语调是相当困难的。

  • On Partial Tone Use in Network Language

    论网络 语言 谐音的运用

  • He underestimated the importance of the tone in Chinese language . Moreover he neglected them in his grammar book .

    赫德明并没有在语法书中标注 声调并且低估了其在 汉语中的重要性。

  • The tone of his language was diplomatic and polite

    说话 圆通得体、彬彬有礼。

  • First introduced performance expression is divided into three ways facial expressions tone of the language expression and posture expression .

    首先介绍表现表情分为三种方式,面部表情、 语言 声调表情以及身体姿态表情。

  • Chinese university students ' English intonation is an inter-language intonation which is close to tone language .

    中国大学生英语的语调是介于汉语和英语之间,倾向于母语 声调 语言特点的中介语语调。

  • Linguistic analysis software which initially protects employee anonymity can flag uncharacteristic changes in tone and language in electronic conversations and can be tailored for particular types of employees such as traders .

    语言分析软件(最初会对员工的身份信息加以保护)能够标记出电子化交谈中 语气以及 用语的反常变化,并能针对交易员等特定类型的雇员进行定制。

  • Generally speaking they are divided into two kinds tone language and intonation language .

    世界上的语言有成千上万种,但总的可以为两类: 声调 语言和语调语言。

  • In the language and dialogue the Stephen Chow film mainly for the loony tone language style which he is good at .

    在语言对白上,周星驰电影主要以他擅长的 无厘头 语言风格为主。

  • The Chinese belongs to the tone language while English belongs to the innovation language that is intonation does not belong to single word but words .

    汉语属于 声调 语言,而英语属于语调语言,即语调不属于单个词而属于话语。