



  • He replied in a toneless mechanical voice .

    他以 平板 机械的声调回答。

  • Instead of toneless fuzzy distortion the DS-1 faithfully reproduces all the subtle nuances of your playing dynamics from whisper-quiet to screaming loud .

    不是 轻声,模糊失真,DS-1型忠实再现全部的微妙差别你玩动态从耳语-平静地大声尖叫。

  • This research aims at a precise acoustic description of the reduced and toneless syllables and a nonlinear analysis of all the tonal phenomena pertaining to the neutral tone and the reduced tone in Changde Chinese .

    此项研究旨在对汉语常德 方言 轻声音节和 轻音音节作一个准确的声学描写并对各种和轻声与轻音有关的声调现象作出非线性音 的解释。

  • I dislike the black clothing that my sister bought for me . I really don 't like the toneless colors .

    不喜欢姐姐帮我买的那些黑色衣服,我真的不喜欢 沉闷的色彩。

  • ' What shall we do ? ' Milton said again in a toneless voice .

    “我们该怎么办?”米尔顿又 平板 单调的声音 问道

  • Imagine a world where flowers would not exist : it would be really toneless and sad don 't you agree ?

    要是一个世界没有了花,那将会多么 死气沉沉、黯淡无光,不是吗?

  • Therefore this research is the first one employing experimental phonetics to describe the acoustic features of the reduced and toneless syllables and the tonal system of Changde Chinese .

    因此,此项研究是首次采用试验语音学的方法来 确定汉语常德 方言 轻声轻音音节的声学特征和对常德方言的声调系统进行语音描写。

  • Into the audience hall by the fathomless abyss where swells up the music of toneless strings I shall take this harp of my life .

    我要拿起我的生命的弦琴,进入无底深渊旁边,那 涌出 乐音 广厅。

  • Scarlett said Ashley and his voice was toneless look at me .

    “思嘉,”艾希礼 非常 平淡的语气说,“看着我。”

  • So is that what you bought me for my birthday ? Says my eight-year-old son in a toneless voice plainly unimpressed .

    那就是你买给我的生日礼物吗?我8岁的儿子对此不 并用一种 淡漠的语气说道。