




  • He 's a little touchy about his weight .

    他对自己的体重 感到有点儿 苦恼

  • You 're always a little touchy when you don 't get enough sleep .

    没有足够的睡眠你总是有点 敏感

  • She is very touchy about her past

    她对自己的过去非常 敏感

  • You are a bit too touchy to get angry about such a small thing .

    你也太 小心 眼儿了,为 这点儿事还生气。

  • He 's an extremely touchy character and you have to handle him with kid gloves .

    他是一个极 小事生气的人,因而你得温和灵巧地对待他。

  • That 's a touchy issue !

    这是个 辣手的问题!

  • Frank 's just touchy about his name .

    弗兰克只是对他的名字 过于 敏感

  • But he was touchy about his personal life understandably .

    但是他对自己的私生活 敏感,这是可以理解的。

  • Formal exact and obstinate he was also cold suspicious touchy and tactless .

    严肃、严谨、倔强的他同时又冷漠、多疑、 敏感、不会变通。

  • Don 't be so touchy .

    别这么 小心

  • Politics was always a touchy subject with whose people .

    对于那些人来说,政治一直是个 敏感的话题。

  • Dad 's very touchy about his age .

    爸爸对他的年龄很 敏感

  • Child molestation is a touchy subject * Read the papers ! Half the country 's doing it !

    凌虐小孩是一个 敏感的话题。看看报纸!全国有一半的人都在这样做。

  • I do not see why you are so touchy .

    我不明白你为什么这么 敏感

  • But the Americans were very touchy about the pacific .

    但是美国人对太平洋问题是很 敏感的。

  • Wow aren 't we touchy this morning ?

    哇,我们早上不是 挺好的吗?

  • Be careful the way you tell him the true . He 's kind of touchy .

    注意你告诉他真相时的语气,他是 非常 敏感

  • Chinese investment in Australian real estate has become a touchy subject .

    中国对澳大利亚房地产的投资已成为一个 敏感话题。

  • She is so touchy about everything ! I just can not take all her twisted old maid notion .

    她对什么事情都 容易 生气!我就是无法忍受她那偏执的老处女 脾气

  • That 's a touchy issue ! I 'm working day and night .

    那是个 棘手的问题,我没日没夜地做着呢。

  • I don 't feel like dealing with such touchy problems .

    我不愿处理这种 棘手的问题。

  • Too touchy to make judicious decisions .

    太急 了,做不出明智的决定。

  • He 's touchy as a bear with a sore nose .


  • Are you always so touchy about your work ?

    你对工作总是这么 发火吗?

  • Don 't be touchy ; I 'm speaking in general terms only .

    你别 多心,我只是就一般而论。

  • The Spanish and Greeks take plenty of holidays yet bosses there are increasingly touchy too .

    西班牙人和希腊人的休假天数很多,但那里的老板们也变得越来越 暴躁 易怒

  • Don 't ask Bill about his divorce ; it 's a touchy subject .

    别问比尔他离婚的事儿,那是个 敏感的话题。