total correctness

[ˈtotl kəˈrektnəs][ˈtəutəl kəˈrektnəs]

[计] 完全正确性

  • While retrospectively assessing the discriminant the correctness of the function for predicting death in the death group was 90.0 % and that for predicting survival in the survival group was 93.7 % and the total correctness was 91.7 % .

    回顾性考核该判别方程式,在死亡组中的正确判断率为90.0%,在存活组中的正确判断率为93.7%, 合计 正确 判断率为91.7%。

  • As the increase of circuit complexity traditional simulation method has been unable to cover the total state space and the correctness of microprocessor arithmetic circuit cannot be ensured .

    当电路复杂度达到一定规模后,传统的仿真验证方法已无法覆盖 整个状态空间,从而无法保证 微处理器运算电路这类复杂 设计 正确

  • Finally the simplified rules of random wave calculated with the total compared with experimental results to verify its correctness .

    将简化后的随机波用 累积法则计算的结果与试验结果对比,验证其 正确