


  • The dentist : The first thing after waking up in the morning and the last thing before going to bed should be a sweet toothy smile .

    牙医说“早上起床前的第一件事,晚上睡觉前的最后一件事就是一个 迷人 露齿微笑”。

  • They 've found God reached a level where they wear a big toothy grin on their faces that won 't crack .

    他们找到了上帝,升到了一个层次 能够 齿不崩脸的微笑。

  • You will be able to catch up to28 different species of fish including toothy barracuda and dangerous sharks !

    来自世界各地的竞争者将会出现,这里有世界上的大部分鱼类,数目达到28种。包括 尖尖的梭鱼和危险的鲨鱼!

  • A jumping cockroach . A glowing mushroom . A toothy leech . These are three of scientists picks for the Top Ten New Species described in 2010 .

    跳跃蟑螂,夜光蘑菇, 水蛭是科学家们挑选 出来的2010年十大新物种中的三个。

  • The study shows that the earliest ancestor of human being was probably a toothy little cannibal .

    表明,这位人类最早的祖先很是 长长 牙齿的小型“食人魔”。

  • Titanoboa could 've swallowed such toothy prey as though it were an appetizer .

    但泰坦莽不可能把它这样 牙齿发达的生物当作开胃菜一口吞下。

  • He gamely poses for photos & almost always with his arms at his side superhero-style and always with that toothy showbiz smile .

    他兴致勃勃地摆姿势合影,几乎总是把胳膊垂在自己身侧,像超级英雄那样,而且总是带着演艺人士的 露齿微笑。