


  • ( She was very top-heavy and about 5 inches shorter . ) I realized I had made the wrong decision .

    (她 走路 头重脚轻个子大约矮了5英寸。)

  • That is ideas breed further ideas and when there is merely the breeding of ideas there is antagonism and society becomes top-heavy with the intellectual process of ideation .

    也就是说,概念会导致更多的概念,这时如果单单树立概念,就会产生对立,社会就会 因为思维过程而变得 头重脚轻

  • He who adopts this attitude will be neither top-heavy thin-stemmed and shallow of root nor sharp-tongued thick-skinned and hollow inside .

    如果有了这种态度,那就既不是 头重脚轻根底浅,也不是嘴尖皮厚腹中空了。

  • She never finds herself very soon so the minute her cap began to bob like a top-heavy dahlia I whipped the_Vicar of Wakefield_out of my pocket and read away with one eye on him and one on Aunt .

    她很快又进入梦乡,头上的帽子像朵 头重脚轻的大丽花一样摇摇摆摆。见此情景,我马上从口袋里抽出《威克菲尔德牧师传》读起来,一只眼看书,一只眼留意婶婶。

  • The top-heavy ancient pagoda attracts many visitors to the little town .


  • This made for a top-heavy business but created new momentum just as outsourcing to India was gaining credibility on Wall Street .

    这让 公司 显得 有些 头重脚轻,不过也为公司带来了新的动力。 与此同时,外包到印度的 做法正不断取得华尔街的信任。

  • We think Yao will be far more diversified than the FTSE Xinhua which has 46 per cent in financials 20 per cent in energy and zero in consumer goods while the MSCI index is very top-heavy .

    我们认为Yao的多样化程度将远高于新华富时(金融股占46%的权重,能源占20%,消费品的权重为零),而摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数则过于 头重脚轻

  • The reed growing on the wall top-heavy thin-stemmed and shallow-rooted ; the bamboo shoot in the hills sharp-tongued thick-skinned and hollow inside .

    墙上芦苇, 头重脚轻根底浅;山间竹笋,嘴尖皮厚腹中空。

  • Radically they want to decentralise the top-heavy system in which local politicians are in thrall to Tokyo 's porkproviders ;

    他们激进的提出对现如今的过分 集权的权力系统进行分权,让地方政治家能够摆脱那些东京有权者的束缚。

  • Knowing the situation about usage of characters in the Tang Dynasty we can reverse the bad situation which is top-heavy and unsteady in the research of Chinese philology to some extent so as to establish an integrated system of Chinese philology .

    研究唐代三书的俗字,可以了解唐代的用字情况,也可以在一定程度上扭转汉语文字学研究 头重脚轻的不良局面,从而建立完整的汉语文字学体系。

  • Is telling us not to do that sharp-tongued thick-skinned belly of an empty mountain bamboo shoots and top-heavy wall of bedrock shallow reed .

    就是告诫我们不要做那嘴尖皮厚腹中空的山间竹笋和 头重脚轻根底浅的墙上芦苇。

  • Susan is a little too top-heavy to be a model .

    对于 模特 来说 胸部有点儿太 了。

  • It was an onerous task and he had to be careful to make sure the top-heavy craft cast off in a smooth sea .

    这是一项繁重的任务,他必须小心谨慎,确保 上部 过重 礼仪船在风平浪静的海面上 开船

  • Software too often contains interactions that are top-heavy requiring extra work for users .

    软件经常包括一些不 必要 具有 繁重 工作量的交互,对于用户 来说,这些是附加工作。