top loading

[tɑp ˈlodɪŋ][tɔp ˈləʊdɪŋ]


  • These were tested on top of glass-reinforced polyamide-nylon 6 substrates by a univeral testing machine loading centrally with a 20 mm diameter ball . Load at the first crack was recorded . Failure mode was observed under scanning electron microscope .

    置于玻璃纤维加强尼龙 6基底上,通过直径为20mm的加载头进行静态 加载,记录初始断裂载荷,扫描电镜观察试件断裂模式。

  • The aluminum foams deform from the top to the bottom under explosion load which is different with the uniform deformation under quasi static loading and dynamic loading .

    泡沫铝的波阻抗比较低,泡沫铝在爆炸 载荷作用下从 到下发生压缩变形。这与其在准静态和动态情况下泡沫铝均匀的变形模式不同。

  • The top tool can provide a useful way to monitor a live system and the active processes loading and memory statistics .

    top工具可以提供一种有效的方法来监视活动中的系统和活动的进程、 负载以及内存统计信息。

  • Under inclined loadings it is not better for larger inclination angle and the top settlement of the pile is not minimal when the angle of loading agrees with that of the pile .

    斜向荷载作用下,并非倾斜桩的倾斜角度越大越好,也并非当 荷载倾斜角度与桩身倾斜角度相同时桩 沉降最小。

  • Based on the tests the movement of pile top and toe with increasing loading and rebound rates of pile top and toe after unloading were studied .

    并对扩底抗拔桩的桩 和桩端变形随 荷载发展 规律、桩身变形与回弹规律进行了初步探讨。

  • With the drive of synchrotron ring magnets as the main target a new scheme is proposed for producting pulsed large currents with flat top and bottom in a large inductance loading .

    以同步加速器环磁铁的激励为主要对象,提出了在大电感 负载中产生 平顶平底脉冲大电流的一个新的方案。

  • Based on the analysis on top displacement of combined shear walls subjected to top horizontal loading by elastic finite element method the law of top displacement of combined shear walls due to the varying of the limb strength coefficient ζ is acquired .

    通过弹性有限元方法对联肢剪力墙在水平 作用下 顶点水平位移的分析研究,发现了联肢剪力墙的顶点水平位移随肢强系数ζ的变化规律。

  • It is hold that one can increase static capacitance reduce mode of input reactance and enhance the antenna gain by increasing down lead wires their distances or lengthening the top loading wires .

    研究表明,增加引线数目、引线间距和加长 线长度均可以增加天线系统的静电容,减小输入电抗的模值,并使天线的增益有所改善。

  • They must not be transported in open wagons on railways and if by ship no top loading is allowed ; if by truck they must be securely fastened up and safely protected .

    铁路运输不得使用 敞车,水路运输不得 配装仓面,公路运输应当苫盖严密,捆扎牢固。

  • Top loading in-line configuration .

    顶部 装载,在线配置。

  • The catastrophic model of double cusp for instability of the top pillar between overlap underground chambers induced by dynamic loading has been established considering deadweight of the beam and its condition of instability has been worked out .

    考虑梁的自重,建立了动 荷载诱发上 交叠型地下硐室间 柱失稳的双尖点突变模型,导出了其失稳条件。

  • Work-piece turntable is fixed on the detachable top cover is convenient for work-piece loading and unloading and also for maintenance .

    安装在真空室 上的工件转架便于工件的 装卸和维护。

  • The miniaturization effects of the miniature methods such as top loading and dielectric loading are simulated by the commercial software Microwave Studio (?) of CST Corporation the disadvantages and advantages the application scope of these methods are analysised .

    采用了CST公司的商业软件MicrowaveStudio((?)),仿真研究了 顶部 加载、介质加载等天线的小型化方法的小型化效果,并讨论了各方法的适用范围、优缺点等。

  • The numerical results indicate that : ① When the inclination angle of the loading is much smaller ( for example 5 °) the pile top displacement increases with the increase of inclination angle of pile body in certain range of inclination angle of loading .

    结果表明:①当 荷载倾斜度较小时(例如5°),在一定范围内随着桩身倾斜度的增加,桩 沉降值也相应增加。

  • The surrounding rock stress relaxation is not balanced from one side to the other side in the construction of the tunnel after three shakes in the top of the middle-wall which result in the bigger eccentric loading in middle-wall and finally come into being eccentric-pressed tunnel .

    隧道在由单侧施工过度到双侧施工时,中墙 顶部围岩经过三次扰动后,围岩应力释放存在不均衡性,而导致中墙承受较大的偏心 荷载,最终出现偏压现象。

  • The Model Test of the Pile Top Load Distribution Within the Rock-socketed Pile Group Subjected to the Lateral Loading

    水平 作用下嵌岩桩桩 内力分布的模型试验

  • In the construction pre-stress is loaded by top pressure and bottom tension with jacks at loading speed of 5t / minute .

    施工中千斤顶实施 压一下拉相结合的加荷方法,千斤顶 加荷速度为5t/min。

  • And the measured pile top load is proved to be related with the distribution of the axial loading and moment on the cap .

    分析了嵌岩桩基的实测桩 内力的变化及分布规律,指出水平 作用 的桩顶内力分布与承台上外竖向 (和弯矩)荷载的局部分布方式有关。

  • Application of I-steel Truss to Construction of the Top Platform of Quaternate Coal Bins Used for Loading

    工字钢桁架在四联体 装车煤仓仓 平台施工中的应用

  • Production of Pulsed Large Current With Flat Top and Bottom in a Large Inductance Loading & Primary Research of a New Sort of Synchrotron Magnet Power Supply

    大电感 负载 平顶平底脉冲大电流的产生&一种新型的同步加速器磁铁电源初探

  • The affection of parameter variation of down lead wires and top loading wires on effective height radiation pattern input reactance radiation resistor and static capacitance is discussed .

    同时研究了引线及 线的各项参数变化对天线的有效高度、增益、输入电抗、辐射电阻及静电容的影响。

  • The influence of top - coal stability on the loading capability of support in top - coal caving face

    煤稳定性对综放支架 承载的影响

  • Analysis on Problems of Top Coal Loading Technique Replaced by Tamping Coking Technique


  • It is shown that the calculation value by using the regional regulation is closer to the real settlement value of pile top from static loading test on single pile .

    分析表明:地基基础设计计算以地方标准更接近其真实值;单桩静 载荷试验得到的桩 沉降量对基础设计是一个非常重要的依据。

  • Design different loading and measure plans measure and obtain the vertical displacement curve of the top of the slab and the base under different loading conditions . At the same time obtain strain of slab edge through dynamic strain collection .

    设计了不同的加载和测量方案,测量得到了不同 加载条件下板 与基层 竖向位移变化曲线,同时通过动态应变采集得到了板边的应变数据。

  • Through the deposition of different top electrode thickness and a series of bio-specimen binding it is found that the resonator frequency shifts sequentially with the loading mass effect .

    通过沉积厚度不同的 电极和一系列生物点样实验,我们发现器件谐振频率按照质量 加载效应而发生变化。