tool car

[tul kɑr][tu:l kɑ:]


  • With the development of science and technology complex surface has been applied more and more widely in the field of aviation shipbuilding automobile tool making such as airfoil of airplane body of car blades of impeller and so on .

    随着科学技术的发展,复杂曲面零件得到了越来越广泛的应用,在航空、造船、汽车、 模具制造等部门中许多零件外形,如飞机机翼、 汽车 车身、叶轮叶片等均为复杂曲面。

  • It is an important and basic element to apply intelligent computer aided decision making tool to improve the freight car approving of freight dispatching in the process of railway bureau dispatcher office modernization thus it possesses a great significance in theory and application .

    采用智能化计算机辅助决策 工具来提高货运调度承认 计划的水平,是铁路局调度信息化、现代化过程中的一个重要基础性环节,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。

  • The analysis and the application of tool nose radius compensation in CNC lathe machining Buying a Car

    数控 车刀尖R补偿的分析和应用

  • It is presented that NMDS is an effective tool to research subjective assessment of sound quality when test people is classified by correlation between test people . With this key classification process subjective perceptive structure of stronger consistent car interior noise can be opened out .

    研究发现,按照评价者之间正负相关性分类处理的方法,对于运用 NMDS揭示了一致性较强的复杂 内噪声声品质潜在的主观感知结构起着重要作用。

  • A Modeling Tool for Transitional Zones among Beams of Car Body

    车身梁之间过渡区域建模 工具的实现

  • FEA compared with traditional methods has became an important tool in modem automobile design its advantage lies in improving the quality of car products reducing the cost of product-developing and production and increasing the competition of car products in the market .

    有限元法已经成为现代汽车设计的重要 工具 之一,与传统的设计方法相比,它的优势在于提高 汽车产品的质量、降低产品开发与生产制造成本,提高汽车产品在市场上的竞争力。

  • With the development of computer and computation technology finite element method ( FEM ) has become a effective tool for the static and dynamic analysis of a car frame .

    随着计算机硬件和计算技术的发展,有限元方法已经成为车架静力学、动力学性能数值分析的重要 工具。本文结合工程实例,对 特种 车架的有限元静力、动力分析作了一些探讨。

  • A special tool is introduced here to measure the curved object radius of the horizontal oil tank and railroad tank car .

    本文介绍了一种检定卧式油罐及铁路 罐车测量曲线体半径的专用 工具

  • An East Hampton New York firefighter wearing SCBA is engulfed in smoke as he uses a tool at a car fire .

    纽约州东汉普顿市一位身穿SCBA的消防队员在 汽车火灾中使用一个 工具时,被吞没在烟雾中。

  • As a commonly used traffic tool car is an important product which expands domestic demand .

    汽车作为常用的交通 工具,是扩大内需的重要产品。

  • Engage the special tool to the right and left in the slits provided in the car radio .

    将专用 工具卡到 车载收音机上的左右开口中。

  • This tool allows you to turn the car around and view it from all angles .

    这项 工具允许您旋转 车子从各种角度观看。

  • These tool fixture and machining parameters were applied to a production line for sealing strips of a certain type of car .

    介绍了某型含钢骨架橡胶 封条的铣削切断加工 刀具、夹具及工艺参数。

  • Car is also a very suitable transportation tool for travel . Furthermore driving car is much safer than riding bicycles .

    有了小汽车,能自由来去,不用花很多时间, 小汽车对于旅行比较舒适,开 小汽车比骑自行车安全。

  • The utility model discloses a tool car comprising a car body ; the tool car has the characteristics that at least one accessory for placing goods is fixedly arranged on the car body ;

    本实用新型公开了一种 工具 ,包括车体,特点是车体上固定设置有至少一个用于放置物品的附件;

  • I am doing this because an SCM tool is more like a car than a clock .

    我解释这个是因为一个配置管理 工具同钟比起来更像 汽车

  • Firstly the author analyzes current air cushion technology and proposes a new way of wide air cushion used in the orbit traffic and designs a new transportation tool which is called Suspension Clip Orbit Electric Car according to the way in this paper .

    首先该文分析了当今的气垫技术,提出了一种新的应用在轨道交通上的气垫方式,同时按照这种气垫方式设计了一种新的被称之为卡轨 电车的交通 工具

  • As the major transportation tool for hot metal torpedo car must operate smoothly in order to ensure high productivity of blast furnaces .

    鱼雷罐是运送铁水的主要 工具,而鱼雷 运行顺畅是保证高炉顺产高产的前提。

  • This is a tool that is attached to either side of your car on the rims .

    这是一个 工具,它是连接到你的 的两边,框。

  • Number 's controling tool machine is a modern to process the car the most important material .

    数控 机床是现代加工 车间最重要的装备。

  • Suitable tool parameters and fixture design are presented in this paper . The tools and fixtures are applied to a production line for sealing strips of a certain type of car and they show a good performance .

    文中给出了适合的 刀具参数和夹具设计,这些刀具和夹具被应用在某型 家用 汽车密封条生产线,使用情况良好。