tool box

[tul bɑks][tu:l bɔks]


  • Returns the collection of tabs on the tool box .

    返回 工具箱上选项卡的集合。

  • A natty metal tool box .

    一只小巧方便的铁制 工具箱

  • I have planned five days of riding that will take me to the coast . I have drawn out my route and bought a tool box .

    我计划好一个五日的海滨单车之旅,画下行程线路并购置了一个 工具箱

  • This is because you do not own a tool box .

    这是因为你没有一个 工具箱

  • Portable : packaging with hollow blow molding tool box .

    携带方便:包装采用中空吹塑 工具箱

  • The worker felt for a few screws in a tool box .

    这位工人在 工具箱 摸来摸去找几个螺丝钉。

  • It actually absorbs green house gases so it 's an important tool in the tool box for fighting climate change .

    它可以吸收大气中的温室气体,所以绿色森林是改善气候变化的最有力 工具

  • This simple technique can be a great addition to your XML processing tool box .

    这种简单的技术可以大大丰富XML处理 工具箱

  • Install trim panel for tool box .

    安装 工具箱的装饰板。

  • Keep your tool box where you can get at it .

    把你的 工具箱 在顺手够得着的地方。

  • There are many tools in my tool storage unit ( tool chest tool box ) .

    我的工具柜(工具盒、 工具箱里面有很多工具。

  • Meanwhile the digital simulation model is built by MATLAB / SIMULINK tool box . Static and dynamic characteristics are simulated and obtain the structural parameters ' influence law .

    同时,利用MATLAB/SIMULINK仿真 工具箱搭建了系统的数字仿真模型,对液压转向系统的静、动态特性进行了仿真验证,得到了其结构参数对液压转向系统性能的影响规律。

  • The BP network for calculating plate rolling force and torque in 2350 mill was established by applying the basic principle and the method of BP network trained with MATLAB network tool box .

    应用MATLAB神经网络 工具箱训练BP网络的基本原理和方法,建立了2350中板轧机轧制压力和轧制力矩的BP网络。

  • PLC sample programs for both turning and milling machine is provided in each of Tool box software in order to finish the machine tool start up faster .

    在每一个 工具 中都包含有车床和铣床的PLC程序示例,以便用户能很快地调试完毕。

  • Adds an item to the tool box .

    将某项添加到 工具箱

  • Enumeration describing the type of data stored on the tool box .

    描述 工具箱 存料型的列。

  • Is there another screwdriver is your tool box ?

    你的 工具箱 另外有一把螺丝起子吗。

  • An integral tool box .

    一个完整的 工具

  • Having a bigger vocabulary is like having a tool box with more tools . A larger arsenal of words enables you to express yourself more eloquently .

    词汇量大就像是你的 工具箱 有了更多的工具,与此同时你还能更加准确的去表达自己。

  • The portable tool box is convenient to be taken out and replaced occupies small space and plays a role of stably positioning to the screwdriver heads with different sizes .

    本实用 新型便于取出与放回,所占空间较小,对不同规格的 起子头均能稳固定位。

  • She 's locked in the tool box .

    她被关在 工具箱

  • In this thesis the author at first builds the mathematical model of circle vibrating screen 's optimization design and describes the mothod how to use matlab optimization tool box to solve parameter optimization problem of circle vibrating screen .

    本文首先建立了圆振动筛优化设计数学模型,然后描述了如何利用MATLAB优化 工具箱解决圆振动筛的参数优化问题的具体方法。

  • A good tool box is a handy thing to have in any house .

    一个好的 工具箱是任何家庭都该有的方便的东西。

  • Put the hammer into the tool box please .

    请把锤子放入 工具箱

  • There are28 specifications in common dental implant tool box including drill tap and driver and so on .

    钻头、丝锥、取骨器、起子等 工具(常规种植牙 工具 ,有28种规格)。

  • My guess is that you don 't use recursion at all now & it 's not even a part of your tool box .

    我猜您现在根本就没有使用递归,它甚至不在您的 工具箱

  • Search any item including any package tool box hold-all or suitcase .

    查看包括任何组合 工具箱工具袋或手提箱在内的任何物件。

  • In this paper we used the SIMULINK tool box of MATLAB build a simulation model that based on predigesting speed and tension control model .

    文章在简化了的速度与张力控制模型的基础上利用MATLAB的 SIMULINK 工具建立了一个仿真模型。

  • This paper established a math model based on the real producing and market requirement . And it also did some optimization calculation using Matlab optimization tool box .

    本文结合生产实际和市场需求建立了数学模型,并利用MATLAB优化 工具箱进行了优化计算。

  • Insert the tool box into the storage recess .
