total price

[ˈtotl praɪs][ˈtəutəl prais]


  • Commercial Invoice is a document in which the quality quantity unit price and total price of the goods are described .

    商业发票是表明所述货物质量、数量、 单价总额的单据。

  • Study on the potential disadvantage factors and the evading methods in fixed total price contracts

    固定 总价合同潜在的不利因素和规避方法研究

  • Insurance can represent a significant portion of the total price of a holiday .

    度假 费用里保险费可能会占据相当大的一部分。

  • The delivery date quantity total price and delivering warehouse are retrieved for each order line .

    检索每个订购项的发货日期、数量、 总价和发货仓库。

  • Any BOQ item which does not have a UNIT PRICE or total price inserted against it will be deemed to be allowed for elsewhere .

    没有单价或 中间没有插入 总价的任何BOQ项目,将被视为可用于它处?

  • Before we can accept your order we require a down payment of 5 % of the total price .

    我们可以接受您的订单,但前提是您的 报价要下压5%。

  • Because fuel costs are a significant part of the total price of running a car lowering them means cheaper motoring .

    因为燃料成本一辆轿车运行 成本中一个比例占有很大的部分,减少这种成本就意味着驾车成本减少。

  • Note : detailed list quantity unit price and total price shall be provided for the buyer 's option excluded in the bid price .

    注:要求提供详细清单、数量、单价和 总价,单独 报价,供买方选择,不含在投标报价中。

  • The total price includes installation commissioning of the analytical instrument and a basic training of its operation .

    合同 总价包括安装调试,安装现场培训,设备移交用户。

  • Can you add up everything and give me a total price ?

    你能把所有的费用都加在一起给我一个 总价吗?

  • Total price index of living cost

    生活费用 价格 指数

  • For the purpose of this CTR the Contractor shall include a cost provision of USD30000 in the total price towards the services of the specialist appointed by jwg .

    以该ctr为目的,承包商还应提供 总价30000美元的费用,用于jwg指定的专家服务。

  • Unit and total price FOB your port of shipment seaworthy packing included .

    全部 价格为fob到贵方运输港口,包括耐航包装费。

  • Balance incurred due to changes in period and numbers of participants in aforementioned design liaison meeting technical service and training period shall be deducted from the total price of the contract thereof .

    因上述设计联络会、技术服务和培训期限和参加人数变化而产生的结余将从合同 总价中相应扣除。

  • In this case if the total price of the purchase order exceeds $ 100 then the ShippingMethod element of the XML document can be empty .

    在本例中,如果购买订单的 价格超过$100,则XML文档的ShippingMethod元素可以是空的。

  • The salesperson rang up all my items and the total price came to1000 yuan .

    售货员将全部商品结了 总额 1000元。

  • Compute the total price considering the discount and the taxes .

    考虑折扣和税,计算 价格

  • In that case purchase order documents with a total price of $ 100 or more do not need to specify a shipping method because the standard shipping is free for those orders .

    在该例中,购买订单文档若 总价超过$100则不需要指定配送方式,因为对于这种订单是免费配送的。

  • The opportunity investment set aside for the team for proposal development is usually a percentage of the total price that is estimated to be quoted to the client .

    在估算并报给客户的 总价中,留给团队进行提案开发的机会投资通常会占一定的百分比。

  • The total price for packs in the city-which charges an addition $ 1.50 tax-is above $ 12 in many stores .

    增加 1.50美元的税收,使该城市里许多商店里每包卷烟的 价格涨到了12美元以上。

  • Using the invoice information passed to the function as $ data create a table containing one row per item along with its quantity unit price and total price .

    使用传递给函数的发票信息作为$data,创建一个包含每个项目一行的表、及其数量、单价和 总价的表。

  • B.The total price is56 Yuan .

    一共 五十六元。

  • But the bankruptcy assignee may pay the total price and ask the seller to delivery the object matter .

    但是,破产清算人可以 全额支付 ,请求出卖人交付标的物。

  • Ask for a total price inclusive of all hidden costs and use it during your negotiation .

    要求 价格包括所有的“隐性成本”,用它在你的谈判。

  • When an item drops into their cart the number of items in the cart and the total price of all things in the cart will both automatically update .

    当商品进入购物车之后,将自动更新购物车中的商品数量和 总价

  • If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected .

    若通过单价乘以数量所求得的 总价与单价间存在矛盾,那么应以单价为准,修改总价。