


  • My mother wanted to be buried like that and it feels a bit strange since there is no tombstone to visit .

    我的母亲也想以那样的方式被埋葬,但我们感觉有点奇怪&因为没有 墓碑可以让我们缅怀。

  • They inscribed his name on his tombstone .

    他们把他的名字刻在他的 墓碑

  • And that is what is on his tombstone .

    被铭刻在他的 墓碑

  • The tombstone was lichenous and crumbling . Some great empires have crumbled and fallen .


  • May he rest in peace eg carved as an inscription on sb 's tombstone .

    愿他安息(如刻於 墓碑 的字样)。

  • Thus she will be a living sermon against sin until the ignominious letter be engraved upon her tombstone .

    这样她就成了告诫人们抵制罪恶的活训条了,直到那个耻辱的字母刻到她的 墓碑 为止。

  • There 's a square depression in the center of the tombstone .

    墓碑 的中间有一个正方形的凹陷。

  • A tombstone is erected in memory of whoever it commemorates . The monument overlooks the square .


  • You told them about Boltzmann 's tombstone and so forth .

    你们告诉他们关于波耳兹曼的 墓碑等事情。

  • A life filled with loving deeds and good character is the best tombstone .

    充满善行和美好品质的一生是一个人最好的 墓碑

  • Ching Ming Festival this year I made a tombstone for his father written on the inscription recording our fourth sister of the grief of parents .

    今年清明节,我给父亲立下 墓碑,写上碑文,记录我们姐第四个对父母的哀思。

  • We 'll put that on your tombstone .

    我们会在你的 墓碑

  • It 's a tombstone in Normandy from a British Army Officer 's grave .

    这个 墓碑 来源于诺曼底,一个英国军官。

  • An inscription on a tombstone or monument in memory of the person buried there .

    刻在 墓碑或纪念碑上的碑铭 用来纪念埋葬于此的人们。

  • A lawyer named Strange was shopping for a tombstone .

    一个姓Strange的律师去买 墓碑

  • A place for the burial of a corpse ( especially beneath the ground and marked by a tombstone ) .

    埋葬尸体的地方,特别指埋在地表下且有 墓石作标志。

  • Vincent loomed over me as pale and grey as a tombstone .

    文森特赫然耸现在我面前,面色灰白得像一 墓碑

  • Cedric is murdered Harry is tied to the tombstone .

    塞德里克被杀死,哈利被绑在 墓碑

  • Each replica must also maintain tombstone information for each of the items that are deleted .

    Tombstones:每个副本还必须为每个删除的项目维护 tombstone信息。

  • I saw a tombstone bearing the date 1602 .

    我见到一 刻有1602年字样的 墓碑

  • Look at any tombstone and you will see what I mean .

    当看到 墓碑的时候,你将会明白的我意思。

  • By far the best definition of leadership I 've ever seen comes from a tombstone .

    目前,我所看到的最好的关于,领导力的解释是在 墓碑 看到的。

  • For more information about the behavior of mailboxes when they are inside a tombstone table see Move Mailbox operations and the mailbox tombstone table .

    有关 tombstone表中列出的邮箱的行为的详细信息,请参阅移动邮箱操作和邮箱 tombstone表。

  • The tombstone is inscribed with her name and the date of her death .


  • The town of tombstone is most grateful to you for a wonderful performance .

    墓碑 感谢您精彩的演出。

  • A tombstone is erected in memory of whoever it commemorates .


  • Eventually the number of stones diminished until only one stone the tombstone was left as a reminder of the ancient superstition .

    最后石头的数量失散的只剩下一块了, 这块 墓碑,成为了封建迷信的一个见证。

  • The second stage will fail if a mailbox is already listed in a database 's mailbox tombstone table .

    如果邮箱已经在数据库的邮箱 tombstone表中列出,则第二阶段将会失败。