trace routine

[tres ruˈtin][treis ru:ˈti:n]


  • Fourth step : Make customer visit and quality trace periodically and take customers ' feedback into account during routine practices .

    第四步:定期对客户进行回访和质量 跟踪,把客户的意见反馈到 日常工作中。

  • Urine trace protein is a sensitive index in reflecting early renal damage HSP and may appear abnormal before urine routine examination .

    在检测肾损伤面尿 微量蛋白可先于 常规检查而出现异常,是反映肾脏早期损害的敏感指标。

  • The outcomes show that the technique has fairly good applicable prospects on the aspects of sampling collection of river trace organic substance and pretreatment but it still exits some problems on extension and usage in routine monitoring of water quality and needs a further study and improvement .

    实验结果表明,半透膜采样技术在河流 痕量有机物样品采集和预处理方面具有良好的应用前景,但目前在水质 常规监测中推广使用还存在一些问题,需要做进一步的研究与改进。

  • Through appearance test nondestructive test dead-load experiment live experiment it design proper trace routine in engineering practice to assess bridge state .

    对桥梁的外观检查、无损检测、静载、动载试验设计了简洁、合理、全面的桥梁 检测 程序,并将设计的 程序应用于工程实践,全面分析了检测桥梁的状况。