trace out

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  • But if you stop and trace out a way for another to follow or a design for your own way of life it will never come near you .

    但是如果你停下来,并 一条别人可以追随的路,或者设计出你自己的一种生活方式,那么它就永远不会走近你。

  • The powerhouse was trace out accurately later on a large scale map .

    后来发电站被精确 描画在大比例地图上。

  • So far the chairman has only been able to trace out the outline of the plan without any details .

    到目前为止,主席 只能 提出个大体规划,还不能很具体。

  • However with further improve of the accuracy of seismic exploration this limitation of conventional seismic trace model stands out .

    然而,随着地震勘探精度的进一步提高,常规地震 模型的这种局限性就 逐步的突显 出来

  • You can easily trace out the cause of it but the depression doesn 't help does it ?

    你可以很容易 追寻它的原因,但是那个抑郁并没有帮助,对吗?

  • To time the startup of Eclipse we use a custom view ( described earlier in the article ) that utilises the IBM JVM trace to write out messages when it loads .

    为了统计Eclipse的启动时间,我们将使用一个定制的视图(参见本文前面的说明),它在装载时使用IBMJVM 跟踪 输出消息。

  • For example if there 's any change at the business capability level you can easily trace it to find out what the affected subcapabilities and processes are and vice versa .

    例如,如果业务功能级别存在任何更改,您可以容易地对其进行 跟踪,以 了解受到影响的子功能和流程是什么,反之亦然。

  • Method : Isolation and purification of the trace constituents were carried out mainly by solvents extraction and macroporous adsorbing resin and silica gel column chromatography .

    方法:用纯净水提取,溶剂萃取,大孔吸附树脂和硅胶柱色谱分离等方法分离并纯化亚麻根的 微量成分,通过波谱分析鉴定化合物的结构。

  • To answer this question this thesis attempts to comb and analyze some of the youth novels in the last twenty years and tries to trace out the developing track of the sexual psychology in the youth novels .

    本文试图就这个问题对二十年来的部分少年小说进行梳理和分析,力图 勾画 少年小说在探示少年性心理方面的发展轨迹。

  • With this paper calculation and combined with test result can trace out the reason of resonance during engine running test excluding the misunderstanding of excessive vibration on diesel engine itself .

    通过本文的计算对比并结合试验结果能够 找出柴油机试验台运转过程中产生共振的原因,排除柴油机自身振动过大的错误认识。

  • Now let 's analyze by picking apart a JCC trace to see how to get to the bottom of a problem by analyzing the trace and figuring out where the error is coming from .

    现在让我们来剖析一个JCC跟踪,看看如何通过分析 跟踪 找出错误的来源来彻底把问题弄清楚。

  • The succession of points occupied by the particle will trace out a curve in space .

    质点连续经过的点 描绘 一条空间曲线。

  • You can apply trace mask to trace out only specific components .

    可以限制跟踪的范围,只 跟踪特定的组件。

  • In the design of passenger transportation center lying in the shanghai wusong port by combining and intercrossing the building bodies designers try to integrate building space with special environment organically in a whole in this way to trace out a vivid and characteristic port landscape .

    在上海港吴 客运中心的方案设计中,作者试图通过建筑形体之间的穿梭组合,使建筑空间与特定的环境有机结合,以 创造一个富有特色的港口景观形象。

  • A lot of trace experiments were carried out in the laboratory physical model of straight rectangular open channel and a large amount of da - ta was obtained . Based on this the relation for transverse mixing coefficient was offered .

    本文在实验室矩形明渠物理模型内 进行 示踪试验,获得了大量的实验数据,确定了关于横向混合系数的准数关系式。

  • Trace out the shape of a large love heart in the sand .

    在沙上 勾画 一个大大的爱心的形状。

  • So far he has only been able to trace out a policy .

    目前,他仅仅能 草拟 一项政策。

  • Variations in weather therefore allow us to trace out - to identify - the shape of the demand curve .

    因此,天气的变化使我们可以 找出,也就是识别出需求曲线。

  • Maybe you can trace it find out where it 's coming from .

    也许你可以 查看是哪里 的。

  • But to trace out the history of the whole period to say who was fighting whom at any given moment would have been utterly impossible since no written record and no spoken word ever made mention of any other alignment than the existing one .

    然而想 摸清那时期的历史,比方说谁在什么时候跟谁打仗,却根本办不到,因为绝无白纸黑字的记录,绝无信誓旦旦的言语,提及还有什么别样的联盟。

  • The algorithm first uses k-neighbor search and space division strategy by identifying the trace point out to streamline the original point cloud and then reverse the control point to reconstruct B-spline curve model .

    该算法首先采用k-近邻搜索和空间划分的策略,通过确定 跟踪对原始点云进行精简,然后通过反求控制点重构B样条曲线模型。

  • By detecting the evolution of the cavitations of density we can trace out the stealth vehicle .

    通过对密度空洞变化的探测,可对隐身飞行体 进行 跟踪

  • Measurement of Trace Oxygen Content out of Nitrogen in Pressure-swing-adsorption Nitrogen Manufacture Process

    变压吸附制氮工艺氮气中 微量氧的测定

  • Use Power of the subconscious mind to trace the loopholes and sorting out things .

    运用潜意识的力量 跟踪的漏洞和分拣 出来的东西。

  • Bright areas reveal undeflected or stationary nodal regions while contour lines trace out areas of constant vibrational amplitude .

    亮区表示未受偏转的或稳定的波节区而轮廓线则 描绘 等振幅的区域。

  • In order to avoid or decrease drug-induced disease the standardized way of message apprizing cause and effect judgement arrangement analysis and trace are put out for adverse drug reaction monitoring .

    为避免或减少药源性疾病的发生, 提出建立药品不良反应监测的信息报告、因果判断、层级分析、 跟踪等标准化要求的运行模式。

  • Then build right-angle coordinate on tracing paper trace out the figure curve of impacted tooth and number the figure paper .

    在专用描图纸上建立直角坐标系, 描绘 埋伏牙的轮廓曲线,轮廓图按照顺序编号。

  • I could trace out his skeleton with my eyes ; the skeleton that desperately tried to stay ahead of the metallic stick and whip that the officers carried .

    我可以看见他的 形骸,挣扎著想要超开警官手中的铁棍棒与皮鞭。

  • But few articles trace back to find out the reason of the variance in the process of orientalization of this genre .

    但现有研究对于这一流派的东方化过程中发生变异的原因则缺少发生学意义上的 追踪和探源。