


  • 10 patients had poison toxicosis and epidemic hemorrhagic fever .

    毒物 中毒、流行性出血热10例。

  • However large dose of the drug will make human or animal toxicosis .

    但动物或人 直接间接大量食 该药物时,可能会 发生 中毒

  • Methods Clinical data were statistically analyzed for a group of cases with alcohol toxicosis .

    方法对酒精 中毒 患者的临床资料进行统计分析。

  • AIM To elevate the understanding of clinic characteristics about nitrite toxicosis .

    目的提高对亚硝酸盐 中毒临床症状的认识。

  • Nursing of patients with acute organic phosphorus toxicosis

    搬运甲拌磷 急性 中毒患者的 急救护理体会

  • CONCLUSION : Monitoring digoxine plasma concentration might be as an objective criterion of therapeutic effect and toxicosis .

    结论:监测地戈辛血药浓度可作为判断药物疗效和 中毒的客观指标。

  • Objective To summarize the nursing points in the treatment of hemoperfusion at an early time for the patients with hypnotic toxicosis .

    目的总结安眠药 中毒患者及早进行血液灌流治疗的护理要点。

  • Methods Review and analyze the 10 cases of delayed neuropathy caused by organic phosphorus pesticide toxicosis .

    方法对10例有机磷农药 中毒迟发神经病变患者进行回顾性分析。

  • The results showed that : 1 Pathological observation of Sub-chronic Selenium toxicosis .

    研究结果表明:1鸡亚慢性硒 中毒的病理学观察。

  • Methods Analyze retrospectively 151 children with acute toxicosis .

    方法回顾分析所收治的急性 中毒151例。

  • Methods 51 cases with acute toxicosis of druggery or poison were divided into control and study groups .

    方法51例急性药物、毒物 中毒患者分为两组。

  • Objective To observe the effectiveness of naloxone treatment for acute alcohol toxicosis .

    目的总结纳洛酮治疗急性乙醇 中毒的疗效和 经验

  • The pathogenesis of MBs in copper toxicosis is still unresolved .

    但目前仍未阐明铜 中毒 出现MB的机制。

  • Research on the Treatment of Ganoderma Lucidum to the Acute Toxicosis by Amanita Fuliginea ; Determination of Toxic Peptides in Amanita virosa and Amanita verna

    灵芝煎剂治疗急性鹅膏毒蕈 中毒的实验研究鳞柄白毒伞和白毒伞的鹅膏多肽毒素测定

  • Dose of liver toxicosis ;

    毒剂 中毒剂量;

  • Conclusion Hemoperfusion at an early time is the most important method to rescue the patients with hypnotic toxicosis .

    结论及早行血液灌流是抢救安眠药 中毒最关键的治疗方法。

  • Respiration-circulation failure rebound of toxicosis and lung infection were the main causes of death .

    呼吸循环衰竭、 中毒反跳、肺部感染为主要死亡原因。

  • This paper reports a case of hydrofluoric acid burn complicated by inhalation injury and serious fluorine toxicosis .

    本案例为氢氟酸烧伤并气体吸入性损伤,为严重氟 中毒

  • The incidence and the mortality of toxicosis were 9.2 % and 6.2 % respectively . The incidence of arrhythmia was 95.9 % in the patients with digitalis intoxication .

    中毒发生率和 中毒死亡率分别为9.2%和6.2%,中毒病例中,心律失常发生率95.9%。

  • Clinical Analysis and Emergency Treatment of 151 Children with Acute Toxicosis

    儿童急性 中毒151例临床与急救分析

  • A Correlation Analysis of Elements in Blood and Urine of Patients with Al-F Toxicosis

    铝氟联合 中毒病人全血尿元素含量及相互关系的分析

  • The results showed that the CRL and synergist had a good effect on remission of fluorine toxicosis of silkworm .

    其结果为 CRL和增效剂有良好的 解毒效果。

  • Objective To discuss the diagnosis and treatment for ARDS caused by acute chimical mixture toxicosis .

    目的探讨肼类及氮氧化物混合 中毒致呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)诊治方法。

  • The Relationship between TNT Chronic Toxicosis and Periocular Field of Vision

    中间周边视野中间周边视野三硝基甲苯慢性 中毒与周边视野的关系

  • Objective To study the validity to treat acute renal failure caused by druggery toxicosis .

    目的探讨血液透析对 抢救 急性药物 中毒所致的急性肾衰的有效性。

  • There are three types of mechanisms in copper poisoning : mechanism for protection against copper toxicity mechanism for the formation of copper and oxygen free radicals and pathogenesis of copper toxicosis .

    文章归纳了铜中毒的发病特点和发病原因; 总结了铜 中毒的3种发病机理,铜中毒的保护机制,铜与氧自由基的产生机制,铜毒理;

  • Objective To explain the effect of blood purification in the treatment of acute toxicosis of druggery or poison .

    目的探讨血液净化治疗在救治急性药物、毒物 中毒中的作用及注意事项。

  • Acute rejection drug toxicosis and bile duct obstruction were excluded .

    期间可排除急性排斥反应、药物 中毒和胆管阻塞等。

  • Effect of boron toxicosis on the structure of kidney in Gushi chickens
