


  • Study on detoxication of TOXOFLAVIN and bongkrekic acid poisoning


  • The bacterium produces two toxins : toxoflavin and bongkrekic acid .

    此菌产生两种毒素: 黄素和米酵菌酸。

  • Effect of TOXOFLAVIN on the action of xanthine oxidase


  • TOXOFLAVIN acts as a bypassing of the electron transfer of mitochondrial respiratory

    黄素 哺乳动物线粒体呼吸 电子传递的旁路作用

  • Growth inhibition effect of toxoflavin on cultures of three lines of leukemia cells has been investigated by ~ 3H-thymidine incorporation method .

    以三株白血病细胞培养与 黄素 作用,用~3H胸苷参与法测定 黄素的生长抑制效应。

  • Action of TOXOFLAVIN on lipid peroxidation in tissues of mice

    黄素 小鼠组织脂质过氧化作用

  • Study of toxication of TOXOFLAVIN to the respiratory system and the circulatory system


  • Effect of TOXOFLAVIN on serum LDH isoenzyme


  • Effect of Toxoflavin on the Respiratory Oxygen Consumption of Mitochondria


  • Relationship between TOXOFLAVIN and active oxygen

    黄素 毒性与活性氧的关系

  • Study of Mutagenicity of Toxoflavin from Fermented Corn Powder Poisoning Pathogenic Bacteria

    酵米面中毒病原菌 黄素诱变 试验的研究

  • Effect of TOXOFLAVIN on isolated rat tail artery

    黄素对大鼠离体尾动脉 平滑肌 收缩 作用的影响