transaction language

[trænˈsækʃən ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ][trænˈzækʃən ˈlæŋɡwidʒ]

[计] 事务处理语言

  • Best of all the invoking application most likely has no idea where the transaction will run what language it is written in or what route the message may take along the way .

    最好的情况是,调用程序很有可能根本不知道该 事务在哪里运行、它是由哪 语言编写的以及消息的传输路径。

  • Personal Factors Affecting Language Transaction in Second Language Acquisition

    习得中影响语言 迁移的个体因素分析

  • Second the transaction middleware architecture is formally described by Z language .

    其次运用形式语言Z 语言交易中间件系统的体系结构做了完整描述。

  • If a potential transaction risks provoking nationalistic objections investors will need to couch the deal in the language of mutual benefit .

    如果一笔潜在的 交易可能会激起民族主义反对情绪,投资者还需要用互惠互利的 语言来诠释这桩交意。

  • The optimized local adapter CICS link server running in CICS reads the XA transaction context and creates a new unit of work to run the specified native language program .

    在CICS中运行的优化的本地适配器CICS链接服务器读取XA 事务上下文并创建新的工作单元以便运行指定的本地 语言程序。

  • The transaction code of each module is written by Python language which is not written by hand but is automatically generated by a drawn flow graphic .

    各个模块中的 交易代码由Python 语言进行编写,代码编写工作不需要手工完成,而是以绘制好的 交易流程图自动生成 交易代码。

  • Transaction Logic Object Base Language

    事务逻辑对象库 语言

  • As a kind of institution language not only influence transaction cost but also influence the efficiency of other institutions . Chapter ⅵ: The Origin and the Change of Language : An Institutional Perspective .

    作为制度,语言不仅对 交易成本产生影响,还影响着其他制度安排的效率。第六章: 语言的起源与变迁:制度的视角。

  • The combinational transaction block and its implementation in C language and FoxPro

    组合 事务块及其在C 语言和FOXPRO中的实现

  • Therefore WS-AtomicTransaction will be able to interface with any other transaction service coded using any programming language which supports WS-AtomicTransaction .

    因此,WS-AtomicTransaction将能够与任何其他的使用任何支持WS-AtomicTransaction的编程 语言编码的 事务服务相连接。

  • The functions of CTAP are to interpreter the agent description given by users with a cooperative transaction description language and to realize transaction processing and cooperation of agents .

    CTAP的功能是通过语法分析,实现用户按照协同 事务处理 语言语法描述的协同事务Agent,实现Agent间的事务协作。

  • TXSeries for Multiplatforms is a distributed CICS ( Customer Information Control System ) Online Transaction Processing ( OLTP ) environment for mixed language applications .

    TXSeriesforMultiplatforms是一个用于混合 语言应用程序的分布式CICS(客户信息控制系统)在线 事务处理(OLTP)环境。