


  • Graffiti with their traitorous and acute character affect the urban environmental color when they have communication .

    涂鸦,这种 天生 叛逆和有尖锐个性的艺术形式,在与城市环境色彩对话过程中对其产生影响。

  • A mass rally to denounce Wang Ching-wei 's traitorous pact is scheduled to be held on February 1 in Yenan .

    延安定二月一日召开反对汪精卫 卖国协定的民众大会。

  • All these princes however maligned each other in their letters to the Pharaoh and protested their own innocence of traitorous intentions .

    然而,所有这些王子,都在写给法老的信中互相诽谤对方。对 有关 叛国的意图上,都保护自己的清白。

  • So we should advocate genuine scientific spirit but not the traitorous spirit .

    我们应当崇尚真正的科学精神,而不是 汉奸科学。

  • And then we say we were on our way when he said something traitorous .

    就说“他一路上满口 大逆不道

  • One of those candidates Texas Governor Rick Perry stirred controversy Tuesday when he called Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke almost traitorous for his monetary policies .

    参选共和党总统候选人的德克萨斯州州长里克·佩里星期二引起争议。他说,联邦储备银行主席伯南克的货币政策,“几乎 形同 叛国”。

  • Eugene Kleiner was the leader of the Traitorous Eight and sought the help of east coast bankers Mr Rock and Bud Coyle to find financial backing .

    尤金•克莱纳是八 叛逆的领导人,他曾向东海岸的银行家洛克•科伊尔(RockCoyle)和巴德•科伊尔(BudCoyle)寻求资金帮助。

  • Military plays are heroic in nature full of loyal generals glorious emperors and wise government officials all of whom struggle against traitorous opposing forces .

    武戏 着重 刻画英雄人物,角色 为忠心耿耿的武将, 名声显赫的帝王和足智多谋的 臣,所有这些角色在剧中与 逆贼作斗争。

  • Traitorous political Spanish nobles had drawn up a document that Philip signed resulting in Juana being proclaimed insane and incompetent to rule .

    西班牙的 叛逆贵族起草文书,腓力签字,正式对外宣称胡安娜精神分裂,无能力管国家。

  • It is not the matter of we are set free from parents we are not a traitorous teenager anymore and we have time and money of course we should take a trip with parents .

    现在不是我们能够摆脱父母获得自由的问题,我们不再是 叛逆的青少年了,现在我们有钱和时间,就该和父母 出去走走。

  • My mistake was hiring a traitorous sales manager .

    我的失误之处是雇了一个 不够 忠诚的销售经理。

  • That if it were in the nature of traitorous ways to thrive ( which happily it never was ) the real wickedness and guilt of his business might have remained undiscovered .

    若是 卖国行为也能兴旺(所幸此事决无可能),该犯行为的真正邪恶与罪孽便不 受到 揭露

  • After all it was Ardan who tipped off Leonus to the corruption of the Night Elf Ambassador to Stormwind Laaikus and his traitorous dealings with the Horde .

    毕竟,是阿旦向莱昂纳斯透露了来到暴风城的暗夜精灵大使& 莱库斯的堕落及其涉及部落的叛变的信息。

  • Your government has long been traitorous and it was only for the sake of brevity that we sometimes omitted the word ; now we can omit it no longer .

    你们的政府很久以来就是 卖国政府,仅仅为了节省文字起见,有时我们省写了这两个字,现在不能省了。