



  • I traded my old car in for a new one . Did you get a good trade-in on your sewing machine ?

    我拿我的旧车 折合一些 ,买一部新车。你以 缝纫机 折价 合算吗?

  • Here 's how it works : For $ 59 a customer can lock in a trade-in value for Apple 's Mac Pro desktop for example .

    举例来说,它的具体做法是,顾客 59美元即可锁定苹果MacPro台式机的 折价 金额

  • The truck dealership grants Solarwind Company a trade-in allowance of $ 3 for the old truck and Solarwind company pays the remaining $ 10 cost of the new truck in cash .

    卡车经销商给了太阳风公司3美元的 旧车 置换 ,太阳风公司以现金支付了新车价值剩余的10美元。

  • CHIPPED PAINT : Remove chips and rust before you touch up with paint . Nicks and scratches spread eating up body ( trade-in value too ) .

    落漆:上漆前应除净漆屑和铁锈。裂痕与刮伤易延伸,侵蚀车身(也 影响 汽车 折价)。

  • He Bought a trade-in for a very low price .

    低价买了一个 折价

  • Home appliances trade-in has started in Anhui Province yet how to exchange the old ones with the new ones and what kind of appliances is up to the standard for a swap ?

    我省家电 活动全面展开。以旧换新到底应该怎么换,什么样的家电符合以 标准呢?

  • Analysis of the Electrical Household Appliances Trade-in Subsidies Policy Based on Mathematical Models

    家电 补贴政策的数理模型分析

  • In most instances a trade-in is viewed as both a sale of the old asset and purchase of a new one .

    在大多数情况下, 置换被看作是旧资产的售出和新资产的同时购入。

  • Without CPO buyers dealers would be forced to put these vehicles up for auction forcing down prices and as a result future trade-in values .

    若无cpo买家承接,经销商将被迫把这些汽车挂牌出售,从而压低价格,并因此降低未来 折旧价值。

  • Techforward a Los Angeles-based financial-services company that works with electronics recyclers lets consumers lock in a trade-in value for their devices .

    洛杉矶金融服务公司Techforward与电子产品回收公司联合推出了一个服务,用户通过服务来可以锁定所购买电子设备的 折价价值。

  • Whole assets trade-in results in the change of accounting entity and brings forward challenge for providing financial statement .

    资产整体 置换对会计主体产生影响、对置换 期间的财务报表的编制提出了挑战。

  • Due to the lack of demand for secondhand cars dealers were offering ridiculously low prices for trade-in cars which led to a self-perpetuating problem .

    由于缺乏二手 油罐车的需求,经销商提供低价格可笑的 折旧 解放 油罐车制造了一次机会,不间断的问题。

  • Resale and trade-in values for late-model vehicles in good condition have been rising all year as demand has outstripped supply particularly for fuel-efficient models .

    在需求大于供应的情况下,特别是对节能车型的需求,性能良好老款车的二手价格和 购物 价格全年都有所提升。

  • Nicks and scratches spread eating up body ( trade-in value too ) .

    裂痕与刮伤易延伸,侵蚀车身(也 影响 汽车 折价)。

  • Recently the US government passed legislation providing vouchers valued from $ 3500-4500 when you trade-in an old vehicle and purchase a new fuel-efficient one .

    近日,美国政府通过了一项法案,为将旧车折价 贴换新车的车主提供价值3500-4500美元的现金券。

  • Personally I expected BMW to give a higher trade-in amount considering that luxury marques usually offer a higher quote for a customer 's used car .

    就我个人而言,我将给一个更高的 折旧宝马量考虑到豪华品牌通常提供更高的报价为客户的旧车。

  • But in reality a lot of listed companies utilized assets trade-in to get along earnings management .

    但现实中,许多上市公司在实施资产 置换进行 重组时,利用资产 置换 人为 创造出所谓的收益, 账面 游戏

  • Back during Apple 's third-quarter conference call the company was asked about its trade-in program .

    苹果在第三季度电话会议上曾被问到有关 计划的问题。

  • Did you get a good Trade-In on your sewing machine ?

    你以 缝纫机 折价 合算吗?

  • People don 't want any marks or grime on their devices Mr. Meister said because like trading in a used car at a dealership the better the condition the more like new it is the more money you get on your trade-in .

    人们不希望自己的电子设备上满是印子或污垢,梅斯特说,因为就像交易二手汽车一样,状态保持得越好,东西越像新的,你在 收回的钱就越多。

  • To illustrate when you choose a new car there are a number of attributes that need to be taken into account : price roominess maintenance record trade-in and yes sexiness .

    例如,当你选择一辆新车有很多因素要考虑:价格、空间、维修记录, 折旧,还有,是的,性感只是。

  • This won 't improve the look of your device or maximize value at trade-in but it might spare you the sniffles or worse during cold and flu season .

    这并不会改善你手机的外观或者在 时将价值最大化,但这可以让你在寒冷的流感时节不会出现流鼻涕或者更糟糕的症状。

  • What is the car 's trade-in value ?

    这辆汽车 多少

  • Amazon entered the trade-in market in March last year with the launch of its own online trade-in service for used video games .

    亚马逊于去年3月进入 折价 贴换市场,当时它推出了自己的在线二手电脑游戏折价贴换服务。

  • Ford 's Explorer was the most popular trade-in vehicle followed by Ford 's F150 pickup and Chrysler 's Jeep Grand Cherokee .

    福特的探险者是人们用来 的最热门型号,其次是福特的 F150小货车和克莱斯勒的大切诺基吉普。

  • Did you get a good trade-in on your sewing machine ? He traded an old bicycle in for a new one .

    你以 缝纫机 折价 合算吗?他把旧的自行车折价换了一辆新车。

  • A fall in residual value also decreases the amount of money consumers get at trade-in or when they try to resell a used car .

    残值下降还会减少消费者在 或转售二手车时获得的价格。

  • It doesn 't do you much good if you save $ 2 on the new one but lose an equivalent amount on your trade-in .

    就算你在新车上省下2000美元,而在用 付款时损失了同样数目, 到头来不到什么好处。

  • Undercover To find out which showrooms offers the best trade-in amount this journalist visited several showrooms posing as a potential customer shopping for a new set of wheels for Mum .

    秘密,以此来了解哪些陈列室,提供最佳的 折旧金额,记者走访几个陈列室装扮成一个潜在客户购买一套全新的轮子,妈妈。