traction table

[ˈtrækʃən ˈtebəl][ˈtrækʃən ˈteibl]


  • The Design of Base on Network Multi Traction Table Control System

    牵引 网络化控制系统设计

  • Methods From 1999 to 2001 49 cases of proximal femoral fracture were treated with AO-made PFN . Traction table and G-arm image intensifier were used with close reduction and interlocking .

    方法1999年5月~2001年9月使用AO产PFN治疗49例转子部骨折病人, 手术使用骨科 牵引 ,G型臂影象增强器,采用闭合复位、锁定技术。

  • An clinical study of three diamension traction and two table method reduction in treatment of thoracolumbar spine fractures

    三维 牵引复位与两 法复位治疗胸腰段脊柱骨折的临床应用对比研究

  • Methods 16 cases of traumatic subtrochanteric fractures were intramedullary fixed with a long Gamma nail . Reduction was performed under traction and C-arm fluoroscopy on a fracture table with cerclage wiring or cable bandage through a mini incision when necessary .

    方法16例股骨转子下骨折采用长Gamma钉内固定,C臂X线机透视下 牵引复位,必要时 做小切口钢丝环扎或钢缆捆绑复位。

  • Methods From January 2001 to December 2003 cases of ipsilateral fractures of femoral neck and shaft were treated with UFN where traction table C-arm image intensifier interlocking and close or open reduction with minor incision were employed .

    方法2001年1月-2003年12月使用UFN治疗11例同侧股骨颈、干骨折患者,手术使用骨科 牵引 、C形臂X线机,采用闭合或小切口切开复位、锁定技术。

  • Elastic traction massage treatment table

    弹性 牵引按摩治疗

  • Methods Three dimensional multifunctional traction table was used to treat postoperative prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc .

    方法应用三维多功能 牵引 对腰椎间盘突出症术后复发行快速三维 牵引技术治疗。