trace program

[tres ˈproˌɡræm][treis ˈprəuɡræm]


  • The traditional method for debugging programs on a computer is to insert the WRITE statement into the program being debugged so that one can trace the changes in the variables involved and the run of the program .

    对于高级语言,传统的调试程序方法是在程序中插入打印语句, 跟踪程序中的变量和 程序执行过程,这样做工作量大且烦。

  • Trace Elements and Life Science in College Chemistry Teaching Program

    化学 教学中的生命科学知识及 微量元素

  • DTA is used to trace how the program processes untrustworthy data and then mine the potential attacking points in the test cases by monitoring potential error points in the program .

    该方法利用动态污点分析技术 跟踪 程序对不可信数据的处理,通过监视程序中可疑的错误点来追踪输入网络报文中潜在的攻击点,并以此作为模糊测试用例生成的启发式信息。

  • Based on the working principle of MPGs and the characteristics of its beam dynamics a multi-particle trace simulation about the three-dimensional movement of the electrons in a MPG cavity is given by a program SEEG ( Secondary Electron Emission Gun ) written in VC + + .

    基于微脉冲电子枪的工作原理和束流动力学特点,用VC++语言 编制了微脉冲电子枪的辅助设计 软件&SEEG对微脉冲电子枪中电子的三维运动进行多粒子 跟踪模拟。

  • It combines the micro-benchmark and the trace program .

    它采用微观网络基准测试程序与 trace 程序相结合的方法。

  • Coolly without any trace of fluster in my voice I heard myself reply I have a continuing program of research ( what mother doesn 't ) in the laboratory and in the field ( normally I would have said indoors and out ) .

    我非常镇定地 答道:我有一个不间断的研究 项目(哪位母亲不是这样呢?),工作地点包括实验室和现场(通常我会说室内和户外)。

  • To trace the static and dynamic tests on the product in accordance with the previously approved program .

    根据事先批准的 计划 跟踪产品静态和动态试验;

  • The actual trace starts from the function being executed when the trace was started ; a program that has hung during execution should show you the function the program is waiting to complete .

    实际的跟踪从 跟踪启动时执行的函数开始;对于在执行期间挂起的 程序跟踪应该会显示程序正在等待的函数。

  • The provider also has a special identifier the PID provider which is used to identify any running program and can be used to trace any function within a running program .

    提供者还有一个特殊的标识符,PID;这用来标识正在运行的任何程序,可以用它 跟踪正在运行的 程序中的任何函数。

  • Calculation of the Trace Elements Related Ratio with VB Program

    VB 程序实现 微量元素相关比值的计算

  • Trace is turned on by specifying any command line parameter to the program when it is invoked .

    在调用这个 程序时指定任意命令行参数将开启 跟踪功能。

  • The formula showing the relation of the subsidence coeffient horizontal movement coefficient and the trace angle and density of joints are given . The useful program and method considering joints effect in practical application are provided .

    基于模拟数据,给出了下沉系数及水平移动系数与节理 长、倾角、密度之间的关系式,为实际应用中考虑节理的影响提供了实用 程序和方法。

  • To trace a running program you need to specify the Process ID ( PID ) of the process that you want to trace .

    要想跟踪正在运行的 程序,需要指定要 跟踪的进程的进程ID(PID)。

  • A stack trace is essentially a listing of where in the program a problem occurred .

    堆栈 跟踪实质上是一份列表,其中列出了在 程序的哪个位置发生了问题。

  • The trace formatter is a Java program that runs on any platform and can format a trace file from any platform .

    跟踪格式化器( traceformatter)是一个可以在任何平台上运行的Java 程序,可以对来自任何平台的跟踪文件进行格式化。

  • Through propagate the key information of each opratores the mechanism of data lineage can trace the data cleaning program which construct over the traceable oprators so that we can analysis and explain the cleaning result .

    接下来的数据沿袭机制通过传递各个操作的标识值,实现了对构造于可 追溯操作基础上的数据清理 程序 追踪,从而提供了对数据清理 程序执行过程及结果的分析和解释功能;

  • Based on the trace analysis a computer program is developed to determine crystallographic orientations without using diffraction patterns .

    基于 迹线分析法,开发了一种不需衍射花样的铸造合金晶体取向测算 程序

  • This method uses static instrumentation technology to insert a number of instructions in the target program so as to get the key attributes of the running trace of the program .

    首先,该方法使用程序静态插装的方式,在目标系统中插入一些监控指令以获取 程序运行 轨迹 的关键属性。

  • A trace program that produces output for selected conditions .

    为所选条件产生结果的 跟踪 程序

  • Okay trace program 's almost ready .

    好的, 追踪 程序已经快准备好了。

  • The Quality Assurance of Determination of Trace Mercury by Program Controlling Temperature-Hydro Dissociation-Cool Atomic Absorption Method

    湿法 程控消解冷原子吸收方法测定 微量汞的质量保证

  • Inspect the Java stack trace if one is printed ( or written to javacore . txt ) before the program crashes .

    如果在 程序崩溃之前打印(或者写到javacore.txt)了Java堆栈 跟踪,就检查它。

  • Trainee management assist production manager control process and quality . a trace program that produces output for selected conditions .

    管理实习生,生产线工艺和品质的 跟踪。为所选条件产生结果的 跟踪 程序

  • Gdb stack commands work during program execution as well as on core files so for complicated programs you can trace how the program arrives at functions while it 's running .

    gdb堆栈命令可以在程序执行期间使用,也可以在core文件中使用,因此对于复杂的程序,可以在 程序运行时 跟踪它是如何转到函数的。

  • The correctness of predictable straight line trace curve trace their algorithm and the combing program was testified .

    对可预测的直线轨迹、曲线 轨迹对其算法和所编写 程序的正确性进行了验证。

  • In this paper though it is noted that dynamic variables have some local inexplicit extent under most circumstances the running trace of a program can reflect its static property to a certain degree .

    程序动态运行的 轨迹在一定程度上反映 程序的静态性质。

  • A trace will normally be output either to a text file or a console window and it will list method entries and exits in the program as it runs .

    追踪的结果会输出到一个文本文件或者终端窗口上,其中会列出 程序中运行的入口和出口方法。