trace simulation

[tres ˌsɪmjəˈleʃən][treis ˌsɪmjəˈleɪʃən]

[计] 跟踪模拟

  • Trace simulation of Stokes flow in rectangular cavities

    矩形腔内Stokes流动混合过程 追踪 模拟

  • For this an analysis model is designed and implemented . The analysis is based on the cache event trace acquired from the SIMICS simulation environment .

    为了设计和实现这样一个分析模型,分析是基于从SIMICS 模拟环境中获得的缓存事件的 跟踪

  • The dubiety between each moving elements and the hand of the robot in the space is studied which lays a foundation to the trace programming and simulation later .

    分析了机械手各个运动构件与末端执行器在空间的位置关系,为 轨迹规划和 仿真奠定了基础。

  • The prefetching algorithm is evaluated and proved by trace driven simulation .

    通过基于真实运行状态的 模拟,对预 算法进行了评估和验证。

  • To deal with the discrete-linear systems with stained observe noises based on the ARMA innovation model using modern time-series analysis method a new Decouple Wiener trace filter method are presented . The simulation example shows the validity of the new algorithm proposed here .

    对带有色观测噪声的离散线性系统,本文应用现代时间序列分析方法,基于ARMA新息模型,提出了一种解耦Wiener 跟踪滤波新方法, 仿真例子说明了本方法的有效性。

  • The thesis designs self-turning controll scheme of Underwater robot based on pole assigment in the course of diving trace By way of digital simulation .

    为克服这一难题,本文设计出水下机器人下潜 航迹保持极点配置自校正控制方案。

  • Through trace driven simulation of the traffic splitting algorithm based on nonius and other existed traffic splitting algorithms the simulation results show that the proposed algorithm gains a prominent improvement in load balancing over previous algorithms while without reordering is guaranteed .

    通过对目前已经提出的流量分割算法和基于游标的流量分割算法进行 跟踪驱动 模拟,仿真结果表明,与已有的保证包有序的流量分割算法相比,本算法使负载更加均衡。

  • This paper presented a human simulating intelligence variable structure control method to suppress the vibration and control the joint trace . The simulation results show that it is effect to the position control of the flexible manipulator .

    本文提出了仿人智能变结构控制方法,此方法综合了仿人智能控制与变结构控制的优点, 仿真结果表明,这种控制方法能有效的抑制柔性振动,同时具有良好的关节 跟踪能力。

  • Meanwhile this paper also takes a real random medium as an example and the results show that the vary-step ray trace method can effectively reduce the ray tracing time and greatly improve the image simulation efficiency .

    同时,本文还以某随机介质为例,验证了变步长光追的效果,结果显示,采用变步长的光线追 方法,能有效地节省光线追迹的时间,大大提高光传输 模拟的效率。

  • Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Selenium in Edible Salt with Ion-association System Simulation for flasher process of multicomponents of association system with objection-oriented method

    离子缔合体系分光光度法测定食盐中 微量硒面向对象技术的多元缔合体系闪蒸 模拟

  • Determination of Macro-elements and Trace Elements in Pollens of Cinnamomum camphora Numerical Simulation on Solute Macrosegregation During Continuous Casting Process

    樟树花粉中常量元素和 痕量元素测定连铸过程溶质元素宏观偏析的数值 模拟

  • Geochemical environment of trace element strontium ( Sr ) enriched in mineral waters A simulation Study on the Accumulation or Added Rare Earth Elements in Aquatic Ecosystem

    矿泉水中 微量元素 富集的地球化学环境

  • Second numerical simulation of filling flow air pocket fusion trace and warp were performed with simulation software Mold flow .

    其次,利用 仿真软件Moldflow对该注塑件进行充填、流动、冷却、气穴、熔接 、翘曲等数值模拟。

  • Traveling trace simulation model for left turn vehicles based on stop line

    基于停车线位置的左转车辆行驶 轨迹 仿真模型

  • Asynchronous Motor 's DTC System Based on 18-Angular Flux Trace and Its Simulation

    基于十八边形磁链 轨迹的异步电机DTC系统及其 仿真 研究

  • Based on the working principle of MPGs and the characteristics of its beam dynamics a multi-particle trace simulation about the three-dimensional movement of the electrons in a MPG cavity is given by a program SEEG ( Secondary Electron Emission Gun ) written in VC + + .

    基于微脉冲电子枪的工作原理和束流动力学特点,用VC++语言编制了微脉冲电子枪的辅助设计软件&SEEG对微脉冲电子枪中电子的三维运动进行多粒子 跟踪 模拟

  • Self-Motion Tracking Arithmetic of Weld and the Trace Simulation

    自寻迹焊缝跟踪算法及 轨迹 仿真

  • According to the object movement equation the system created object flying trace displayed the object echo in simulation radar PPI and adopted multithread technology to realize the simulation of object capture and track .

    系统根据目标运动方程产生一定 轨迹的飞行目标,在 模拟的雷达PPI显示器中显示目标回波,运用多线程技术,实现目标的捕获跟踪模拟。

  • The basic theory of no trace searching method to get limit torque has been explained and the simulation date has been gained .

    阐述了无 路径搜索方法计算极限载荷的理论基础,并得出 仿真数据。

  • The number position orientation trace and aperture of every fracture are taken into consideration in the analysis ; 3D Numerical Simulation of Stratum Corneum Penetration

    可考虑每条裂隙的具体位置、产状、开度、 长度和渗透性质;角质层渗透性质的三维数值 模拟

  • The Navier-Stokes equation chosen as governing equation VOF ( Volume of Fluid ) method selected to trace the change of film on free surface the three-dimensional numerical simulation was conducted on falling film flow .

    本文选用Navier-Stokes方程作为流体运动的控制方程,以VOF方法来 追踪液膜的自由表面变化,对横管降膜流动进行了三维数值 模拟

  • This dissertation compares the performance of the two modes in terms of cache hit rate cache misses mapping items and communication interruption probability by building analytical models and doing trace driven simulation .

    通过数学建模和 仿真分析对比了两种模式在缓存 命中率、缓存缺失数目、映射条目以及通信中断概率等方面的性能。

  • The paper introduces the working principle of vibration screen with complicate motion trace makes analysis to motion trace of screen box by computer simulation . The result shows that each point on screen box can implement different ellipse motion trace .

    介绍了复杂运动轨迹振动筛的工作原理,采用计算机 模拟对筛箱运动 轨迹进行分析,结果表明筛箱上各点可实现不同的椭圆运动轨迹。

  • Combined with the characteristics of the behavior analysis and simulation platform the paper propose a trace mechanism of the Linux kernel running on a simulation platform based on behavior analysis method .

    结合行为分析的特点和仿真平台的特点,提出了一种基于行为分析的 仿真平台上Linux内核运行的 跟踪机制。

  • Based on the analysis of Ship hull hydrodynamic and environmental moment and to forecast the dynamic drifting trace of accident ship the paper develops the ship drifting movement model by using the numerical simulation of tidal current and the wind .

    本研究依据船舶运动方程,在分析船体水动力以及环境力矩的基础上,通过流场的引入,同时考虑风场的作用,建立船舶漂移运动 数值 模型,来 实现遇难船舶的动态漂移 轨迹的预测。

  • The three dimensional numerical trace simulation of the dynamic mixing processing is carried out by fourth order adaptive Runge-Kutta scheme to characterize the dynamic mixing and the pattern transformations of the tracer with time and stretch rate of the interfaces are demonstrated .

    采用自适应步长4阶Runge-Kutta方法,对动态混合过程进行三维数值模拟 追踪计算了示踪剂构形依时演变及界面拉伸速率,对动态混合过程进行了实时表征。

  • The simultaneous spectropho-tometric determination of trace Nb Zr and Ti in the simulation samples and low-alloy steel was successfully made by using partial least squares method ( PLS ) .

    用偏最小二乘法(PLS)辅助分光光度法成功地同时测定了 模拟样和低合金钢中上述三种 痕量组分。

  • Extract the total center-of-mass trace from the simulation results so the reliable of theoretical research is certificated .

    并从 仿真分析中提取出机构总质心 轨迹,验证了理论分析的正确性。

  • The system is based on local-area network and developed with Visual C + + 6.0 . The subsystems the teacher system and the student system realized a series of functions such as simulating AIS Interface AIS communication ship 's trace simulation and teaching management .

    本系统是在局域网环境下,以Visualc++6.0为开发工具实现的。系统分为教师子系统和学员子系统两部分,实现了AIS界面操作及通信的仿真、船舶 运动 仿真、教学管理等功能。

  • Traditional Kalman Filter and simplified adaptive Kalman Filter methods are adopted and good performance of tracking and predicting the trace of swaying platform can be reached through the simulation .

    研究卡尔曼滤波算法和简化的自适应卡尔曼滤波算法, 仿真验证了其均有较好的 跟踪和估计效果。