


  • The main medicinal ingredients in its dry roots were saponin xanthone oligosaccharide polyesters polysaccharide and fat oil .

    远志的主要药用成分为皂苷、 、寡糖酯类、脂肪油、多糖等。

  • One study in Japan xanthone had apparent properties that suppress the development of tumor .

    日本的一项研究 显示 蒽酮 拥有 抑制肿瘤发展的显著特性。

  • Study on protective effect of three xanthone glucosides from Halenia corniculata on chemical-induced hepatic injury in mice

    花锚中3种 苷对小鼠肝损伤保护作用

  • It is reported that xanthone could act efficient DNA intercalators and topoisomerase inhibitors displaying interesting anticancer activity .

    研究报道 双苯 吡喃 酮类 化合物可以作为有效的DNA嵌入剂和拓扑异构酶抑制剂,起到抑制肿瘤增值的作用。

  • Xanthone derivatives with oxygenated heterocyclic compounds are widely distributed in plants and microorganisms . They have a broad spectrum of biological activities such as antioxidative antitumor antifungal and antidiabetic .

    双苯 吡喃 酮类化合物在 自然界中广泛存在于植物和微生物中,药理活性非常广泛,如抗氧化、抗肿瘤、抗菌、抗糖尿病等,所以对 双苯 吡喃 酮类化合物的衍生化研究具有潜在的价值。

  • Synthesis Characterization and DNA-binding Studies of Complexes with Xanthone Derivatives


  • Xanthone was efficiently synthesized from o-chlorobenzoic acid first by etherization and then by Friedel-Crafts reaction in the presence of aluminium trichloride .
