x fever

[医] X病(原因未知病,牲畜皮肤角化症,黄曲霉中毒)

  • X & ray Analysis of the Chest in 36 Cases with Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever

    36例流行性 出血热胸部 X线分析

  • The rates of respiratory symptoms in tussah silk processing workers were higher than those in the control workers and 4 workers showed inflammation in chest X ray findings and 15 workers often had fever .

    柞蚕丝加工工人呼吸系统症状阳性率明显高于对照组,并有4例 X线胸片出现片状炎性影,15人经常出现 发热 症状

  • Workers showed inflammation in chest X ray findings and 15 workers often had fever they all worked in roving and spinning processes .

    X线胸片有炎症片状影者5人,经常 发热的工人15人,且均工作于前纺和后纺工序。