trace width

[tres wɪdθ][treis widθ]

[电] 扫描线宽

  • The study manifested the uncoupled pattern of the peak stresses in vertical and horizontal directions as well as the stress evolution trace varying with pillar width .

    揭示了煤体边缘水平应力和垂直应力峰值不耦合的规律以及巷道顶板应力峰值随煤柱 宽度不同而演化的 轨迹

  • The content of the available trace elements correlated with the soil pH significantly in some pH width .

    虽然土壤有效态 微量元素的含量与土壤pH的相关关系没有与土壤有机碳含量那么显著,但当土壤pH在一定 范围内时,土壤有效态微量元素的含量也和土壤pH呈显著的相关关系。

  • Determination of trace elements in hair using spectral line width

    利用谱线 宽度测人发中的 微量元素

  • The effects of trace amounts of n-pentane in the solution on the solubility and metastable zone width were investigated .

    考察了溶解于溶液中的 微量正戊烷对溶解度和介稳区 宽度的影响。