trace chemistry

[tres ˈkɛmɪstri][treis ˈkemistri]


  • Trace element geochemistry and mineral chemistry studies on the metamorphosed harzburgite indicate that it is the relict of the depleted mantle .

    变质方辉橄榄岩的 微量元素地球化学及矿物 化学特征表明,应为亏损的残余地幔产物。

  • Trace back and recollect the researches on chemistry teachers ' research since the liberation of China .

    对建国以来 化学教师研究进行了 追溯和反思。

  • Study on reaction mechanisms of trace elements during process of coal combustion based on quantum chemistry and advancement thereof

    基于量子 化学的燃煤过程 痕量元素反应机理研究及其进展

  • Minerals a and B in enstatite meteorites and their trace element chemistry

    顽辉石陨石中A、B矿的 微量元素 化学意义

  • Trace Chemistry & A Newly Developing Branch of Chemistry

    痕量 化学&一门正在形成中的新学科

  • Trace Elements and Life Science in College Chemistry Teaching Program

    化学教学中的生命科学知识及 微量元素

  • Furthermore trace element and relevant physics and chemistry index of growth sheep had improved at different degree .

    而且 添加 补充 后生长羊血液 微量元素及其相关 指标有不同程度的改善。

  • The correlation between the distribution of nitrite and trace elements in the water and the incidence of the cancer is studied from the view of environmental geography and environmental chemistry in the paper .

    从环境地理学和环境 化学的角度出发,研究了饮用水中亚硝酸盐以及 微量元素的分布与癌症发病率的关系。

  • N2O and CH4 are important atmospheric trace gases which play significant roles in the global warming and atmospheric chemistry .

    氧化亚氮、甲烷是大气中重要的 微量气体,对全球变暖和大气 化学有重要作用。

  • The introduction of ion - imprinted polymers (ⅱ P ) in trace and ultratrace analysis provides vital breakthroughs in pre-concentration or separation chemistry .

    痕量和超痕量分析中采用分子(离子)印迹聚合物技术,使得 化学分离和预富集技术获得重大突破。

  • For the features of its efficient fast and trace quantity capillary electrophoresis is becoming to the fastest growing areas of analytical chemistry .

    毛细管电泳由于具有高效、快速、 微量的特点,使其成为分析 化学20世纪以来发展最快的研究领域之一。

  • The accurate determination of trace element in geological biological and environmental samples is an important and challenging task in analytical chemistry ;

    准确测定地质、生物和环境样品中的 痕量元素是分析 化学中一项十分重要并具有挑战性的工作;

  • N_2O is the most important trace gas that greatly influences atmosphere chemistry and greenhouse effect .

    N2O是一 痕量气体,对大气 化学和温室效应具有重要影响。

  • Further study on the relation between trace element and life function should be one of most important field for the development of cetacean nutritional chemistry and ecological toxicology .

    更深入地研究各组织、器官 微量元素与生命机能的关系,应该是鲸类动物 微量 元素的营养 化学和生态毒理学发展的重要方向之一。

  • Urbanization has caused a large amount of emissions of trace gaseous pollutants aerosols and ozone precursors inducing the disturbance in regional atmospheric chemistry circulation .

    城市化已引起大量 痕量气态污染物、气溶胶以及臭氧前体物的人为排放,从而引起区域大气 化学循环的扰动变化。

  • REE and other trace element chemistry of CAS in Qingzhen chondrite ( eh3 ) and their origin implications

    清镇陨石( EH3)中陨硫钙石的REE 微量元素及成因意义

  • Previous studies on granitoids in the Dabie orogen mainly focused on the North Dabie Zone . In this study a systematic study on the geochronology major and trace elemental chemistry and radiogenic isotope composition of granitoids from other units of the Dabie orogen was conducted .

    前人关于花岗岩类的研究主要集中于北大别,本文系统地研究了其他构造单元花岗岩类的年代学,主、 微量元素和放射成因同位素地球 化学

  • Ion of some trace elements in Antarctic and Arctic snow ice and water based upon water vapor chemistry techniques

    南、北极雪、冰、水中的 痕量元素离子与水汽 化学

  • This paper describes the features of contents and distribution of macro elements and trace elements and analyses the relationships among chemical elements and their relation with sedimentary environment and sediment types based on the data derived from investigation of sedimentary chemistry in coastal zone of Liaoning Province .

    本文利用辽宁海岸带沉积物的1856个 化学样品的分析资料,探讨了该区沉积物的 化学要素含量与分布特征,并着重分析了各化学要素间的相互关系及其与沉积环境的关系等。

  • Determination of Trace Gold by Chemistry Spectroscopy after Foam Plastics Adsorption

    泡塑吸附 化学光谱法测定 痕量金的探讨

  • This paper introduces the solid phase extraction technology and put forward an idea of enrichment of the trace metal ions in environmental water samples with stationary phase complexing method based on the theory of coordination chemistry .

    本文旨在介绍SPE技术,并从配合 基本理论出发,首次提出固定相络合法富集环境水样中 微量金属离子的思路。

  • The chemical behavior of trace elements in biotic process of human body on the basis of coordination chemistry theory was discussed .

    从配位 化学的角度,论述了 微量元素在人体生命过程中的化学行为。

  • Distribution of a Microcomponent between the Solid Phase and the Solution in the Course of Coprecipitation ( Trace Chemistry Part ⅱ)

    共沉淀过程中微量组分在固相和溶液间的分配( 痕量 化学之二)