trace back to

[tres bæk tu][treis bæk tu:]


  • The Chinese people celebrate the activity of the Labor Day and can trace back to to1918 .

    中国人民庆祝劳动节的活动可 追溯 1918年。

  • Hence we cannot trace back to the origin of Tao and can 't study its destination .

    我们不能 道的起源,更无法探究道的最终流向。

  • Its first sprout can trace back to the altar and the temple of the gods in primitive society .

    它最初的萌芽可以 追溯 原始社会时期的祭坛、神庙。

  • According to the relevant research the originate of this system can be trace back to north and south dynasties mortgages system .

    根据相关的考证可以 看出,该制度可能源起于南北朝时期的 典卖制度。

  • The birth of Zhuyeqing liquor could trace back to the Warring States Period and it became popular among people in the South and North Dynasty .

    竹叶 起源 战国时期,南北朝时已深受社会各方人士喜爱。

  • The roots of the concept trace back to a phenomenon Steele explored shortly after he began his academic career at the University of Utah in the 1970s .

    这个概念的根源可 回溯 1970年代,史蒂尔在犹他大学开始学术生涯不久后所探讨的一个现象。

  • As the capital of our country Jerusalem 's history can trace back to the Age of the King David instead of the Camp David Negotiation .

    耶路撒冷作为我们的首都可以 追溯 大卫王时期,可不是从戴维营谈判时才开始的。

  • A key characteristic of the design is that it should trace back to elements at higher levels of abstractions ( for example business processes or use cases ) including requirements .

    设计具有一个重要的特征,它应该 追溯 更高抽象级别的元素(例如,业务流程或者用例),包括需求。

  • Large sheepdog with a profuse shaggy blue-gray-and-white coat and short tail ; believed to trace back to Roman occupation of Britain .

    大型短尾牧羊犬,提供丰富的粗硬的蓝灰色和白色皮毛;可 追溯 罗马侵占英国时期。

  • Now supposing we trace back to 8000 years ago let us image visiting our hardy ancestors who resided at Zhoukoudian .

    现在假设 追溯 8000年以前,我们去访问住在周口店的吃苦耐劳的祖先。

  • Analytical cognition deals with an object which is presented in detachment and the aim of its action is to trace back to a universal the individual object before it .

    对象总是呈现为个体化的形态,故分析方法的活动即 着重 当前个体事物中寻求其普遍性。

  • So a lot has to trace back to the mother 's thoughts .

    很多事情可以 追踪 母亲的思想。

  • In china the history of volleyball can trace back to the 20th century .

    在中国,排球运动的历史可以 追溯 20世纪初。排球运动在中国先后经历了16人制、12人制、9人制、6人制的演变过程。

  • The problem of Regionalism can trace back to remote ancientry it came out with the country .

    行政区划问题可 追溯 远古时代,它是伴随国家的产生而产生。

  • Which will trace back to the source of the hack .

    可以 反向 追踪黑客的源头。

  • This tradition can trace back to the early period of British North American colony .

    美国有着悠久的免费分配土地的传统,这一传统可以 追溯 英属北美殖民地建立的初期。

  • The formation process and causes of the land issue of South Africa can trace back to the colonial period of the Netherland .

    南非土地问题的形成过程和原因,可 追溯 历史上荷兰人开拓殖民地之时。

  • Trace back to the Riverside Life-Deconstruction and Construction on Urban Design of Jiangyin Bund

    水生活的 回归&江阴外滩城市设计解构与建构

  • Research on the wound shock could trace back to 3 centuries ago .

    人们对战伤休克的研究可以 追溯 3个世纪以前。

  • If we want to investigate the sense of Chinese literature it is necessary to trace back to Confucius .

    要考察中国文学的观念,就必须 上溯 孔子。

  • According to planetary scientist Robin Canup all three of Pluto 's satellites could trace back to a single impact .

    据行星学家罗宾·卡纳普说,冥王星的所有三个卫星可以 追溯 同一次撞击。

  • Radcliffe added : Whatever opportunities I get for the rest of my life 99 % of them you can trace back to the fact that I got this amazing job when I was 10 .

    你可以说,我未来得到的任何一个机会,99%都要归功 我10岁的时候得到的那份无论 伦比的工作。

  • Studies on nominalization can trace back to Plato and Aristotle of the ancient Greece .

    对名词化现象的研究最 追溯 古希腊时期的柏拉图和亚里士多德。

  • It is important to remember that there is still a need to trace back to the business directive and business policy when these architectural choices are made .

    一定要记住,在 做出这些架构选择之后,仍然需要 跟踪业务指示和业务策略。

  • The economic globalization a historical process of objective development can trace back to the great geographical discovery .

    经济全球化是一个客观发展的历史进程,其 源头可以 追溯 地理大发现。

  • There 's no way to trace back to the killers .

    没办法 追踪 那些凶手。

  • This article attempts to trace back to the source of the theory of recognition by analyzing the theory of recognition in Hegel 's the Phenomenon of Spirit and the Philosophy of Right .

    本文试图通过对黑格尔《精神现象学》和《法哲学原理》中的承认理论进行挖掘和分析, 追溯承认理论的来源。

  • But the electrical brain activations detected with ERPs are harder to trace back to their exact origins inside the brain .

    但是通过ERP监测脑的电激活比精确 追溯它们脑内的起源要困难。

  • The origin of the military finance in the Han Dynasty can trace back to the Zhou Dynasty and it consummated in the Qin Dynasty . The Han Dynasty inherited the system of the Qin Dynasty .

    汉代军事财政的渊源可 溯及 周朝,至秦已比较完善。