trace ability

[tres əˈbɪlɪti][treis əˈbiliti]

[计] 跟踪能力,追踪能力

  • Trace directory services and database calls with the ability to review the number of calls to a given method .

    跟踪目录服务和数据库调用, 能够以给定的方法检查调用数量。

  • In order to meet the requirement of trace and posture controlling when the robot works in complex and badly environment the paper pup forward a new advanced PED to design the controller and ensure the robot to have well trace and posture adjusting ability .

    为了满足城市主排水管道穿 检测机器人在复杂、恶劣的工作环境下控制的要求,本文在对直流电机驱动器的设计中引入了分段积分的改进PID控制算法,保证了机器人具有良好的运行 能力

  • It contained rich organic acid and a lot of trace inorganic elements that could emphasize acidity of the digestive system of piglet and illness-resistant ability .

    它含有丰富的有机酸类物质和多种 微量无机元素,能够增强仔猪消化道酸度和抗病 能力

  • SPE has several major advantages in separation and preconcentration of trace elements including ( I ) simple to operate ;( ii ) high preconcentration factor ;( iii ) rapid phase separation ;(ⅳ) and the ability to combine with different detection techniques .

    痕量元素的预富集和分离中固相萃取有以下几个主要优点(1)操作简便;(2)高的富集因子:(3)快速相分离;(4) 与不同的检测技术相结合。

  • Conclusion The toxicity of lead on neuron development might related to the change of trace element concentration reduction of antioxidation ability and increasing apoptosis in brain .

    结论铅的发育神经毒性与中枢神经系统铜等 微量元素的改变、抗氧化 能力下降及由此所致的细胞凋亡数量增加有关。

  • The effect of trace lithium on the anti corrosion ability of industrially pure copper has been studied .

    研究了在工业纯铜中 加入 微量锂对其抗腐蚀 性能的影响。

  • If the contents of the trace elements in the body are improper they would lead to the depression of the physiological function and athletic ability of the athletes .

    体内 微量元素如果含量不当,会使运动员的生理机能和运动 能力下降。

  • One of the most powerful features of the IBM trace engine is its ability to trigger on trace events which is vital for creating targeted trace output and reducing the volume of trace data produced .

    IBM 跟踪引擎最强大的特性之一是它 能够在发生跟踪事件时触发,这有助于创建目的明确的跟踪输出并减少产生的跟踪数据量。

  • Make track for the root trace to origins for a long time the our country primarily each district economy development the unbalance caused current our country opposite and weaker situation in international competition ability in industry in information in electronics .

    追根溯源,这主要是由于长期以来我国各区域经济发展的不平衡性导致了目前我国电子信息产业国际 竞争力相对较弱的局面。

  • The development of Mg-based bulk amorphous alloys is summarized the effect of trace elements and nano-sized particles on Mg-Cu-Y amorphous alloys is mainly introduced and the criterions of glass-forming ability ( GFA ) are analyzed .

    综述了镁基大块非晶合金的研究现状,重点介绍了 微量元素、纳米颗粒对Mg-Cu-Y大块非晶的影响,并对现有非晶形成 能力的判据进行了分析。

  • A position fuzzy controller based on the parameter self-adjusting fuzzy control strategy is designed to ensure the robot to move according to the target trace and assure the robot 's good pose regulating ability .

    采用参数自调整模糊控制算法设计了位置模糊控制器,实现了机器人按目标 轨迹运动等功能,保证了机器人具有良好的姿态调节 能力

  • Conclusion The perinatal lead intervention has obviously promotion on alleviating the lead toxin of newborn improving the level of trace nutrients enhancing the ability of anti-oxidation and protecting the normal development of newborn 's intelligence .

    结论围产期干预铅对减轻新生儿铅毒,改善 微量营养素水平,提高抗氧化 能力和保护新生儿智力正常发育均有明显的促进作用。

  • This essay adopts the way of AA-6500 to measure the content of more than ten trace elements contained in the flower 、 stem 、 fruit of the passionflower and studies the absorbing ability of passionflower .

    采用火焰原子吸收法测定了西番莲植地土壤和西番莲花、茎、果实中10多种 微量元素的含量,分析了西番莲对 土壤 微量 元素的吸收 富集 能力

  • Conclusion : Replenishing the trace elements such as zinc iron calcium and chrome the immune ability and the resistance to the infection of respiratory bract could be strengthened .

    结果:补充 微量元素锌、铁、钙、铬可以增强机体免疫力及呼吸道抗感染的 能力

  • Trace metals such as Cu Zn and Cd were measured in freshwater surface coatings which were developed in different natural waters . It is found that freshwater surface coatings exert some ability of enrichment on trace metals in aquatic environments .

    通过对不同自然水体培养的生物膜上金属Cu,Zn,Cd痕量的分析发现,生物膜对水环境中的 痕量金属具有一定的富集 作用

  • It also helps to establish visibility trace ability and quality of business rules across the enterprise so that business managers can make better decisions faster .

    它还有助于在整个企业内确保业务规则的可见性、可 跟踪 和质量,让业务经理可以更快、更好地做出决策。

  • A new free-cutting brass was developed by substituting Pb for Bi with trace Re addition which keeps free-cutting ability of traditional brass .

    在保持传统黄铜易切削 条件下,通过加入Bi代替Pb并添加 少量RE获得了易切削黄铜。

  • Single trace adaptive wavelet processing method has better ability against seismic noises ;

    自适应子波处理方法对地震噪声的适应 能力 较强

  • The Trace of Power Swimming trace of rats which searched platform within 1 minute could reflect spatial seeking ability .

    大鼠1min内在池 搜索站台的游泳 轨迹反映空间探索 能力