train with

[tren wɪð][trein wið]


  • Getting on the train with me he picked me a seat close to the carriage door .

    就送我 上车。他给我拣定了靠车门的一张椅子;

  • Can I get on the train with a USA railpass ?

    我能 美国 列车优惠卡上车吗?

  • I caught the train with only a few minutes to spare .

    我赶上 火车时,就只剩下几分钟了。

  • You have a terrorist on this train with a bomb .

    列车上现在 一名 携带炸弹的恐怖分子。

  • So it 's only logical we train with the experts .

    所以我们到这里来 接受专家的 训练,是很 符合逻辑的。

  • You tell me how to find that train with a helicopter .

    你要教我 直升机追上那 列车

  • Can I get on this train with this pass ?

    我能 这张通行证上这 火车吗?

  • They arrived at the railway station and got on to the train with tickets the following day .

    第二天,她们来到火车站买好票最上了 火车

  • He caught the train with a few minutes to spare .


  • That 's the train with all the lights on it .

    就是那全点 灯的 火车

  • Analysis of the Reliabilities of Traction System in Maglev Train with FTA Method

    基于FTA的磁悬浮 列车牵引系统可靠性分析

  • You should soon be able to train with the heavier weights .

    你很快就能 更重的器械进行 训练

  • The carriages of the toy train lock onto the toy train with a special hook .

    玩具 火车的客车车厢 专门的挂钩挂上了 机车

  • Ah the money it required to train with such & how well he knew !

    啊, 这些人 交往得要多少金钱&他太清楚了!

  • I thought you saw her get on the train with him .

    我想你看到他们俩 一起上了 火车

  • Dehydration and low blood sugar turned me into a disclosure train with no brakes .

    脱水和低血糖让我成为了一 没闸的告白 列车

  • It 's like weight lifting if you train with feather dusters your strength will not increase .

    这就像举重练习,如果你 鸡毛掸 练习,你的力量就不会增强。

  • Train With Someone Who Has The Exercise Habit .

    有运动习惯的人 一起 运动

  • I know because I train with him and I play with him .

    我知道这一点,因为我 一起比赛一同 训练

  • The police will work and train with you .

    警察将会 你们 一起工作、 训练

  • It is a high-class train with air conditioner and soft seat .

    那是我坐过的比较高档的空调软座 火车

  • The coach is counting on them and they train with us almost every day .

    教练未来要依靠他们,而他们几乎每天都 我们一起 训练

  • No doubt he 'll return with help and we will board our train with time to spare .

    毫无疑问他会带着帮助回来的,我们也会时间充裕的登上我们的 火车的。

  • We 'll catch the train with time to spare .

    我们能赶上 火车,时间还有富裕。

  • Fudan University to train with the overall quality of high-quality talent as the fundamental goal of teaching .

    复旦大学把 培养 具有全面素质的高质量人才作为教学的根本目标。

  • He will train with us tomorrow morning but will not be involved on Saturday .

    明早他将 我们一起 训练,但是不会参加星期六的比赛。

  • I continued to train with the hunger to move up in the bodybuilding ranks .

    而我继续为了好的名次而 训练

  • However I would rather let them lie down and sleep under my both wings than train with you .

    但是,我宁愿让孩子们躺在我的双翅下,进入梦乡,也不愿 锻炼