toxic bacteria

[ˈtɑksɪk bækˈtɪriə][ˈtɔksik bækˈtiəriə]

[医] 产毒素菌

  • Lipopolysaccharide ( LPS ) is a toxic component of cell walls of Gram-negative bacteria and is widely present in the gastrointestinal tracts of humans and animals .

    脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide,LPS)是革兰氏阴性 细胞壁组成成分,也是革兰氏阴性 被人类和其他动物消化后释放的 毒性 成分,广泛存在于消化道中。

  • Removal of Toxic Chromate Using Free and Immobilized Cr (ⅵ) - Reducing Bacteria

    利用游离和固定化铬(Ⅵ)还原 铬的研究

  • Objective To identify the genus species type and toxic gene of pathogenic bacteria causing disease outbreak in Sichuan in 2005 in order to provide scientific basis for diagnosis and treatment .

    目的从分子水平鉴定四川省2005年不明原因疾病病原 的属、种、型及 毒力基因,为诊断和治疗提供科学依据。

  • Toxic effect of o-chlorophenol on photosynthetic bacteria growth

    邻氯苯酚抑制光合 细菌1D生长的 毒性效应

  • The third attack was the loss of integrity of the intestinal barrier . It permitted the toxic substance and the bacteria permeating the intestinal wall .

    第三重打击是肠屏障完整性的丢失,使肠道 有毒物质和 细菌能透过肠壁。

  • Acute toxic test on mice showed that lyophilized powder of this kind of cactus had no toxic effect whereas bacteria inhibition test showed that the water and ethanol extract of cactus both had pronounced inhibition effect .

    对小鼠进行的急性毒性试验表明,仙人掌冻干粉没有任何 作用。而 抑菌试验表明,仙人掌的水提物和醇提物均有比较明显的抑制 细菌的作用。

  • The Toxic Effects of the Extracellular Active Components from One Algae-lysing Bacteria on Chlorella Pyrenoidosa

    溶藻 细菌胞外活性物质对蛋白核小球藻的 毒性效应

  • Toxic effects of seventeen kinds of dyestuff using the method of luminescent bacteria

    利用发光 评价17种染料的 毒性效应

  • It started with poisonous pet food and has moved on to toothpaste laced with an industrial chemical tyres that lacked an important safety feature seafood covered in toxic bacteria and toys coated in lead paint .

    从有毒的宠物食物开始,发展到掺有工业化学物质的牙膏、缺少重要安全性能的轮胎、含 有毒 细菌的海鲜以及油漆铅含量超标的玩具。

  • This natural compound produced by the Penicillium fungus was found to be toxic to bacteria but safe for use in humans .

    这是一种由青霉真菌产生的天然化合物,对 细菌具有 毒性,但可以安全地用于人类。

  • Large amounts of copper are toxic for pretty much all living cells which can be exploited by the human immune system to fight off invading bacteria .

    大量的铜元素对相当一部分的活性细胞都是 有毒的,而这些活性细胞可以被人体免疫系统用来抵抗 病菌

  • Any of various red often toxic polypeptide antibiotics obtained from soil bacteria .

    线 素一种从土壤 细菌中提取的红色的,通常是 有毒的多肽抗生素。

  • Alkaloids are believed to have a protective function for plants because they are toxic to bacteria and herbivores who try to eat the plants .

    人们相信生物碱具有保护植物的功能,因为它们对 细菌和那些想要吃掉植物的食草动物具有 毒性

  • Experts have been unable to pinpoint the source of a rare super toxic strain of E.coli bacteria that has killed dozens and sickened thousands .

    这次 毒性超强的大肠 杆菌疫情爆发已经造成数十人死亡,数千人患病,但是专家仍然难以确定疫情源头。

  • CHINESE consumer confidence in foreign milk powder has been shaken by the news that toxic bacteria was found in imported dairy products from New Zealand .

    因从新西兰进口乳制品中发现 有毒 细菌的消息,中国消费者对外国奶粉的信心已经动摇。

  • With the development of Helicobacter pylori research this secretion protein which can exert toxic action without the direct adhesion of bacteria has attracted the interest of investigators little by little .

    然而随着对幽门螺杆菌研究的深入,这种不需通过 细菌直接粘附便可发挥 毒性作用的分泌性蛋白又渐渐引起了研究者的兴趣。

  • The biofilm dissolves the gold on contact creating toxic gold ions that can break down the bacteria 's cell walls .

    这种是生物膜一接触到金,就会使之溶解,产生的 有毒金离子又会破坏这种 细菌的细胞壁。