trace range

[tres rendʒ][treis reindʒ]


  • The results indicated that these ungulates were not distributed equally in different ranges of the reserve with the highest trace density in Sanguanmiao range and the lowest in Longtan range .

    结果表明该保护区内有蹄类动物资源在不同区域的分布并不均衡,以三官庙区域的 痕迹密度最高而以龙潭 区域为最低。

  • The method has been tested with simulated samples the recovery of trace lead range from 96.8 to 98.2 % .

    此显色体系用于合成样品中 痕量Pb的测定,回收率在 96.8~98.2%之间。

  • A method of trace and parameter measurement for flying objects is discussed with the GPS and telemetering technique over the range of middle and far distances .

    本文采用GPS定位与遥测技术相结合的方法对中 远程飞行器 轨迹测量进行了研究。

  • The recovery for trace elements is in the range of 97.1 % 105.9 % with RSD of 2.47 % 7.60 % .

    微量元素 测定回收率为97.1% 105.9%,RSD为2.47%7.60%。

  • Related research results show that cooling effects of sulfate aerosol compensate the greenhouse effect to certain extent due to increases in anthropogenic trace gases which would lead to slower warming in Northern Hemisphere and lower diurnal temperature range .

    有关的研究结果显示:硫酸盐气溶胶的冷却效应在一定程度上抵消了温室效应,北半球增暖趋势的减缓和日 较差的减小可能与大气中人为 硫酸盐气溶胶浓度的增加有关。

  • This paper proposes a method of analysing trace element Sn by using benzanthrone colorimetric analysis . The measured range of Tin is 3 ~ 40ppm .

    提出了苯芴酮比色法分析溶液 微量Sn,测定Sn量的 范围为3~40ppm。

  • The chemical morphology and physical phase of these trace elements in the oxidizing and reducing atmosphere are also studied in a temperature range from 2 000 K to 300 K.

    在300~2000K温度 范围 ,考察了 痕量元素在还原性气氛和氧化性气氛的烟气中的化学形态和物理相。

  • This paper summarizes the researches of determination of trace palladium (ⅱ) by the catalytic kinetic photometric in different catalytic reaction systems from the condition sensitivity range and application

    按不同催化体系,从反应条件、灵敏度、 测定 范围和应用等方面综述了催化动力学光度法测定 痕量钯(Ⅱ)的研究情况

  • The method has been used in the determination of trace Se in the range of 0.005 % to 0.05 % .

    本法准确稳定,测定 范围0.005%&0.05%

  • Selenium is a trace element that essential to the human body and has important physiological functions and a wide range of pharmacological effects appropriate supplementary selenium can enhance immune capacity anti-aging .

    硒是人体所必需的 微量元素,具有重要的生理功能和 广泛的药理作用,适量补充硒可以增强机体免疫能力,延缓衰老。

  • The method has been used to determine trace Ti in steels with high sensitivity and satisfied results . Its linear range covers 0 ~ 15 μ g / 25 ml of analysed solution .

    方法的灵敏度高,测钛的线性 范围为0~15μg/25ml,用该法 测定了几种标准钢样 钛的含量,结果比较满意。

  • The experiment result indicated that trace element cobalt could promote wheat growth and development increase fresh and dry matter accumulation seed number per ear weight of 1000 seeds . The range of seeds yield was 7.1 % ~ 7 % higher than control .

    试验结果表明 微量元素钴拌种施用能促进小麦生长发育,增加植株干鲜重、穗粒数、千粒重,产量提高,较对照增产 幅度为7.1%~9.7%。

  • Biological and chemical index of raw milk containing trace shuanghuanglian such as acidity density fat and protein content were in normal range with the alcohol experiment negative .

    微量双黄连原料奶的酒精实验为阴性,其酸度、密度、脂肪含量、蛋白质含量等理化指标均属正常 范围,并且原料乳中双黄连的含量为1%时,酸乳的凝固不受影响。

  • In HAc-NaAc solution trace Mn (ⅱ) catalyzes strongly decolorization reaction of bright green SF ( BGSF ) by oxidizing with potassium periodate and its catalytic extent is liner with the contents of Mn (ⅱ) in the certain range .

    在HAcNaAc介质 痕量锰(Ⅱ)对高碘酸钾氧化亮绿SF(BGSF)的褪色反应有强的催化作用,催化程度与Mn(Ⅱ)量在一定 范围 线性相关。

  • A catalytical kinetics spectrophotometry has been established for determinating of Pd base on the catalysis of trace amounts of Pd2 + in HCl medium . Linear range of the method covers 40 ~ 200ng Pd / ml.

    利用 痕量Pd ̄(2+)在HCl介质中的催化作用建立了Pd的催化动力学分光光度测定法,测定线性 范围:40~200gPd/ml。

  • Determination of 17 trace elements in Betula Platyphylla Suk . leaf by ICP . The recoveries are in the range of 92.3 ~ 106.9 % the RSD is 1.6 ~ 7.1 % .

    本文应用ICP法测定了桦树叶中的 微量元素十七种,各元素相对偏差为1.6~7.1%,回收率为92.3~ 106.9%,获得了令人满意的结果。

  • Among them weak signal target real-time examination identify catching and trace that has become the main study direction in the domestic and international range for photoelectrical measure equipments .

    其中对于弱信号目标的实时检测、识别、捕获和 跟踪就成为国内外 靶场 跟踪光测设备研究的主要方向。

  • Differential optical absorption spectroscopy ( DOAS ) technique has been used to measure trace gases in the atmosphere by their strongly structured absorption of radiation in the UV and visible spectral range e.g. SO_2 NO_2 O_3 etc.

    差分吸收光谱技术(differentialoptical absorptionspectroscopy,DOAS)是利用气体分子在紫外-可见光谱 范围的特征吸收来测量其浓度含量,如SO2,NO2,O3等。

  • Ions in environmental water such as calcium and magnesium do not interfere with the extraction of the ultra trace pesticide their enrichment factors are in the range from 238 to 247 .

    环境水中的钙、镁等主要离子不干扰萃取,富集倍数为 238~247

  • The propagation trace of fatigue crack in welded joint is considered to be with a fractal characteristic within certain scale range .

    认为焊接接头疲劳裂纹扩展 路径在一定尺度 范围 具有分形特征。

  • The trace content of nickel in water was determined by GFAAS and ICP-AES . Compared with GFAAS ICP-AES has the advantage of direct sampling stable determination and wide range of working curve .

    通过对比石墨炉原子吸收光谱法和ICP-AES测定水中 痕量镍的含量,发现ICP-AES具有直接进样、测量稳定、校准曲线线性 范围宽等特点;

  • The method has been applied to the determination of trace ruthenium in ores and metallurgy products and the results are consistent with the original values the recoveries are in the range of 98.8 % - 101.0 % with RSD no more than 2.5 % .

    用于测定冶金产品和矿石中的钌,测定值与原结果相吻合,回收率在 98.8%~101.0%之间,相对标准偏差不超过2.5%。

  • The basis match method and ICP-AES are employed for simultaneous determination of ten different trace elements in a high grade metal tin . Testing results show that recovery figures range from 93 6 % to 104 1 % and accuracy of RSD % is below 4 4 % .

    研究了用基体匹配法和ICP-AES同时直接测定高纯锡中十种 微量 杂质元素,研究结果表明该方法回收率 93-6%~104-6%,分析精密度RSD%≤4-4%;

  • The proposed algorithm converts the range-domain block matching problem to the neighborhood search problem in the sense of cross trace .

    这个算法把 Range Domain 块匹配问题转化为叉 意义 的邻域搜索问题。

  • In addition two groups of trace element anomalies in the soil indirectly indicate the gas_bearing range .

    另外,土壤中有2组 微量元素异常,间接指示了含气 范围

  • An indirect spectrophotometric method for determination of the trace cyanide was reported . Beer 's law is obeyed for cyanide in the range of 0 ~ 3.0 μ g.

    建立了测定 微量氰化物的间接光度法,其氰化物含量在0~3.0μg 范围 符合比尔定律。

  • But when the trace elements in red wine go beyond a certain range the wine will lead to disease or cancer .

    但是当葡萄酒中的 某些 微量元素的含量超过一定 范围之后,会引发疾病或者癌症。