tray column

[tre ˈkɑləm][trei ˈkɔləm]

[化] 板式塔,盘式塔

  • Maximum allowable deflection of tray column plugboard controlled capstan lathe

    板式 的最大容许挠度插销盘控制式转塔车床

  • Study on the performance of groove tray type gas-liquid distributor and application in large column

    盘式气液分布器的优化设计槽 盘式气液分布器的研究及其在大型 中的应用

  • Three dimensional model of gas liquid mass transfer in tray column has many different features when compared with conventional two dimensional model . Their properties and treatment capacity were emphatically analyzed .

    板式 的气液传质三维 与传统的二维塔 比较有许多特点,通过比较它们的性能,突出分析了它们在处理能力 的差异。

  • The results indicate that ( 1 ) the error between the simulated and experimental results is within the range of 15 % ; Experimental Studies and CFD Simulations of Hydrodynamics and Heat-Mass Transfer in New Sieve Baffle Tray Column

    结果表明:计算流体力学模拟与实验偏差不超过15%;新型 的开发及计算流体力学与传质研究

  • A new mixing model is presented for taking into account the effect of vapor mixing on tray efficiency under the condition of Partial mixing of liquid arid mathematical correlations are obtained to predict the tray efficiency of distillation column .

    在液体部分混合条件下,为考虑汽体混合对塔板效率的影响,本文提出了一个新的混合模型,并获得了计算 效率的数学关系式。

  • Analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of tray column and packing column a new kind of compound column comprising the spraying LLC-Tray and regular packing was presented .

    通过分析 板式 与填料塔各自的优缺点,在梯矩形主体连续传质 板的基础上,提出一种由喷射型塔板、规整丝网填料及其附件构成的复合塔

  • The characteristics of air dispersion of the tray in the two stage flotation column and the effect of various operation parameters on the efficiency of removing oil from the oil water waste were studied .

    还对 装置气浮 气性能及操作条件对含油废水除油效率的影响进行了实验研究。

  • Tray operation restrictions have been discussed based on the basic research and technical progress of tray column .

    结合 板式 基础研究和技术进步,扼要讨论了塔板的操作限制。

  • Some new kinds of tray column were reviewed and their technology progress were discussed some common problems of tray column in the course of design and application were analyzed .

    综合介绍了近年来 涌现出来的一些新型板式 ,阐述了 板式 技术的进展,对板式塔设计和应用过程中的问题进行了分析与讨论。

  • This isocratic system consists of a high pressure solvent delivery pump an UV / VIS detector a manual injection valve and a solvent tray a column and a Chromatography Workstation .

    产品信息整套系统由高压输液泵、检测器、进样阀、溶剂 托盘色谱 、工作站软件等组成;

  • Considering the poor separative ability of low boiling distillation in a PVC plant which has a production capactity of 260 kt / a. The application of high efficient flow-guided sieve tray in the innovation of poly-chlorethylene distillation column was introduced and its machinery characteristic was analyzed .

    基于26万t/a聚氯乙烯低沸塔板分离能力低下,介绍了大通量导向 筛板在聚氯乙烯低沸精馏 技术改造中的应用,分析了其结构特点,研究了该筛板操作性能。

  • Comparing the characteristics of tray column with packed column and combining the structured packing with dual flow plate a new type compound tray was developed .

    对比 板式 和填料塔的特点,将规整填料与穿流板有机组合,开发出新型的复合塔板。

  • Sieve tray liquid-liquid extraction column which is one of the most important equipments for production of hydrogen peroxide by anthraquinone process has been practiced for many years but its investigation and development have been rather poor .

    筛板液液萃取 是蒽醌法双氧水生产中的重要设备之一,虽然它已经被使用很多年,但是人们对它的研究和应用都十分的匮乏。

  • Investigation was made to improve the flow of liquid in industrial tray column on the basis of understanding the cause of nonuniform flow on the column tray .

    在探讨不均匀流动成因的基础上,进行了改善 板面不均匀流动的研究。

  • Study on Choking Phenomenon of Downcomer in Tray Column

    板式 降液管扼流现象的研究

  • When the operation is in the zone of multiple steady state the distribution of such parameters as temperature and composition at each tray within rectifying column as well as such parameters as product concentration at top and bottom of the column exhibit various possible values .

    当操作处于多定态区域时, 塔内各塔 的温度与组成等参数的分布,以及塔顶和塔底产品浓度等参数都存在多种可能的数值。

  • This paper gives the process and the test results of the deacidfication / deodorization plant based on this technology imported from Feld Hahn GmbH Germany and compares it with the deodorization plant based on the tray column technology imported from foreing country .

    介绍了从德国Feld&Hahn公司引进的基于这项技术的脱酸/脱臭生产线的工艺和调试结果,并与原来从国外引进的基于 板式 技术的精炼生产线作了一些比较。

  • Operation proved that computation model is useful and important for design of tray column with low treatment capacity and small diameter .

    运行结果表明, 溶剂 精制 的设计是成功的,对低处理量的小直径 板式 的设计具有一定的参考价值。

  • This vapour which moves up to the next tray in the column is richer in the more volatile components .

    该蒸气含有更多易挥发组分,并沿 向上层 上升。

  • In April 1992 Jinxi Complex worked together with the Insti - tute and invested 50 × 10 ~ 4 yuan ( RMB ) in the crude distillation unit changing the original F1 float-valve tray in the atmospheric column into guided-float-valve tray .

    1992年4月,锦西炼油化工总厂与华东化工学院合作,投资50万元,将一套原油蒸馏装置常任 的原F1型浮阀 极改为导向浮阀塔

  • Application of advanced micro-dispersion valve tray in large-scale atmospheric column

    ADV微分浮阀 塔盘在大型常压 中的应用

  • But it is because of some of the advantages mentioned above which in the chemical petroleum energy and other industries are still in the application of the application tray column dominance .

    但它由于具有前述的一些优点,因而在化工,石油,能源等行业的应用中仍处于 板式 应用的主导地位。

  • Application of Linde sieve tray in the column 201e revamping of the m-cresol plant

    导向 筛板在间甲酚装置 201E 改造中的应用

  • The thesis adopted the high efficiency wave tray to reconstruct the tradition tray of urea synthesis column which has strengthened heat and mass transfer .

    本文采用高效的波形塔 对传统的尿素合成 进行改造,加强了尿素合成 塔内的传热与传质。

  • Tray column is one of the important mass-transfer equipment in chemical industry . In order to adapt to the continuous changing of the production requirements the developing of valves with superior integrative performance has become the key to the development of the valve tray .

    板式 是重要的化工传质设备,为了适应不断变化的生产要求,开发综合性能优越的浮阀已经成为浮阀塔发展的关键。

  • Overall plate efficiency of three-phase distillation in sieve tray column

    汽液液三相 精馏总板效率的研究

  • The design steps are expounded through the brief analyses of the relation between each performance curve in the capacity graph of valve tray column and each major structural size of the tray .

    通过浮阀 负荷性能图中各性能曲线与塔 各主要结构尺寸的简要分析,阐述了设计步骤。

  • Mass transfer efficiency of sieve tray column for extraction system with low interfacial tension

    低界面张力体系在 筛板萃取 中传质特性的研究

  • Research on the Hydrodynamic Performance of Taper Sieve Tray Column efficiency of new VST was then studied with ethanol-water system and was compared with that of sieve tray .

    锥形筛孔 流体力学性能的研究在此基础上,又用乙醇-水系统在常压下测定了该 效率并与筛板塔进行了对比。

  • Tray symbol for column shape .

    表示 中层的符号。