trapezoidal wave


  • A New Method of Signal Analysis Based on Trapezoidal Wave

    基于 梯形 分析信号的一种新方法

  • DAC0832 achieve sawtooth triangle wave square wave sine wave staircase wave trapezoidal wave source compilation .

    DAC0832实现锯齿波,三角波,方波,正弦波,阶梯波, 梯形 的汇编源码。

  • The character and development of six-phase induction machine control is introduced and summarized and a novel control method is proposed in this paper namely six-phase motor trapezoidal wave phase current control .

    本文对多相感应电机的特点和其调速系统进行了回顾和总结,提出一种新颖的控制方式:即六相感应电机 梯形 相电流控制。

  • A novel control method is proposed in this paper namely six-phase motor trapezoidal wave phase current control .

    针对多相电机控制模式复杂性的特点,本文提出一种新颖的控制方式:六相感应电机 梯形 相电流控制。

  • Ratio R ε of minimum to maximum strain is-1.0 . At the same strain amplitude it is found from test that the TMF life of in-phase cycle with triangular wave shape is longer than that of in-phase cycle with trapezoidal wave shape .

    试验结果表明:在相同应变幅下,同相位三角波载荷情况下的热/机械疲劳寿命比同相位 梯形 载荷情况下的热 / 机械疲劳寿命长。

  • In addition to sine functions sawtooth square triangular and trapezoidal wave all are common waveforms in electronics as well .

    除了正余弦函数,锯齿波、方波、三角波、 梯形 也是电子学中的常见波形。

  • The oscillation mode experienced different stages rectangular wave trapezoidal wave sine wave and non-sinusoidal wave appeared in succession .

    其振动方式从矩形波、 梯形 、正弦波到非正弦波不断发展成熟。

  • Novel Twelve-phase Trapezoidal Wave Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Generator

    新型十二相 梯形 波永磁无刷直流发电机

  • At present the common excitation waveforms are square wave trapezoidal wave triangle wave and the sine wave .

    目前,常见的激发波形有方波, 梯形 ,三角波及正弦波。

  • Also the effect of hold time on cyclic stress under conditions of triangular and trapezoidal wave shape was studied .

    研究了在两种 载荷情况下材料的热/ 机械疲劳循环应力影响。

  • And its modulation principle is analyzed . ? On the basis of double Fourier analyzing three-phase three-level cascaded inverter output line voltage the best values of trapezoidal modulation wave is obtained .

    分析了该调制法的调制原理,并在对三相三电平级联型逆变器输出线电压进行双重傅里叶分析的基础上,得出了最佳 梯形调制 的取值。