


  • Egyptian priests practiced transubstantiation claiming to be able to transfer the sun god Osiris into a circular wafer .

    古埃及祭司也有“ 圣餐 仪式”,他们声称能够把太阳神奥西里斯转化到一个圆形的薄饼里。

  • Jean turned to the viewport and thought of the phoenix once more the transubstantiation of an entire race .

    吉音转向窗口,又想起了整个 因维 人族 的凤凰。

  • Both rejected transubstantiation as well as the Roman Catholic understanding of the mass as a sacrifice .

    都拒绝 ,以及罗马天主教 弥撒当作献祭的认识。

  • My story Transubstantiation won the2006 Prix Aurora Award Canada 's national science fiction award for Best Short-Form Work in English .

    我的小说《 质变》赢得了加拿大国家科幻奖&曙光奖的2006年度最佳英文短篇小说奖。