transmission frame

[trænsˈmɪʃən frem][trænzˈmiʃən freim]

[计] 传输帧

  • The forth chapter introduces the TCP / IP protocol and GPRS technology dissertates the communication features communication mode and networking programme of the power load management system describes the data transmission protocol and frame format .

    第4章介绍系统通信中使用的TCP/IP协议和GPRS技术,论述电力负荷管理系统的通信特点、通信方式和组网方案,阐述系统数据 传输规约的 层次 模型 格式 定义

  • In facsimile transmission deviation from the rectangular frame due to a lack of synchronism between transmitting and receiving scanner .

    在传真 传输中,因发送和接收扫描器之间的不同步而产生的偏离矩形 的现象。

  • Relevant contents of SDH transmission system such as frame structure frame alignment mapping and multiplexing structure pointer adjustment de / scrambling code etc.2 .

    研究了SDH 结构、帧定位、映射与复用结构、指针调整、扰码与解扰等相关内容。2.SDH 传输系统中误码测试与指针分析。

  • The utility model relates to a quantitative conveyer which is composed of a driving system a transmission system a support beam frame and a metering device .

    一种定量运输机,由驱动系统, 传动系统,支承 梁架,计量装置所组成。

  • The research has focused on the physical layer and MAC layer relating to the physical layer structure the MAC-layer structure Node B fast scheduling Hybrid automatic repeat request ( HARQ ) transmission of the short frame the soft handover E-TFC selection .

    研究集中在物理层和MAC层,涉及到物理层的结构、MAC层结构、NODEB控制的调度、混合自动请求重传(HARQ)、短 传输、软切换、E-TFC的选择等。

  • At the same time as a transmission connection component between the frame ( body ) and the axle ( wheel ) vehicle suspension is also important to the safety of the car .

    同时,汽车悬架作为连接 车架(或车身)与车轴(或车轮)之间的 力机件,又是保证汽车行驶安全的重要部件。

  • The overall frame is put forward based on Reference Framework Level 6 ( RF6 ) including the transmission and reception frame of audio .

    在TI参考框架ReferenceFramework6(RF6)的基础上设计了整个IP网络电话的软件系统框架,其中包括语音的 发送和接收 框架

  • To solve the problem of real time communication and underground covering area of CAN the CAN protocol is modified . The measures of node embranchment are adopted expanding the covering area and a priority promotion arbitration bits are added to transmission frame .

    为了解决CAN总线在矿井下覆盖面积和实时通信的问题,对 CAN总线的协议进行了修改,采用了节点分支的方法,扩大了覆盖面积;

  • For the channel characteristics of wireless data transmission we format the frame of telemetry data and the command of remote control and code the remote control command by BCH . Then design the whole software architecture .

    针对无线数据 传输信道的特点,对遥测数据和遥控命令 格式做了探讨并对遥控命令进行BCH编码,然后对整体软件结构做了设计。

  • This method can be used to compress voice and store it continuously and to save the silence field to transmit data . Compared with traditional method of voice / data transmission in a frame this one increases the utilization ratio of the channel .

    该方法对语音进行压缩处理,连续存放,收集无声期用于传输数据,与传统的语音/数据同 传输方法相比,能明显提高信道资源利用率。

  • SDH is made from SDH network unit . Its basement of transmission technology is frame structure whose net functions include normal management trouble management and property management and so on .

    SDH由SDH网络单元组成,其 传输技术基础是 结构,其网络功能包括一般性管理、故障管理、性能管理、配置管理、安全管理。

  • Second the database for managing workflow is build up which ensure the staff dispatch logically all the resource including exchanging equipment transmission equipment distribution frame .

    其次,建立了工作流管理数据库,使员工能够在电路调单开展中对交换设备、 传输设备、配线 等所有资源进行合理的调度。

  • In the translation of classical Chinese poetry frame operation is present in transmission of culture-loaded information . Frame Operation Model of translation process provides a new perspective for the interpretation of the core issues of poetry translation .

    框架操作体现于中国 古诗英译中的文化信息处理策略中,翻译的 框架操作模式为诗歌翻译基本问题提供了新的解释视角。

  • Simulation results of WCCs with twill structure over AWGN show that the BER performance is affected greatly by the transmission frame length and the number of encoders which also indicate that the error-correcting performance approaches Shannon limit and has no error floor .

    通过系统仿真,在AWGN信道下发现斜纹编织卷积码的系统性能与系统 传输 长和编码器个数都有很大的联系,其误码性能十分接近香农限,且没有错误地板效应。

  • In order to improve transmission performance Jumbo frame which can accommodate more tha 9000 bytes is put forward .

    为了提高性能,提出了 9000B的Jumbo

  • The DRM transmission frame structure is introduced and parameters of the system is designed firstly then OFDM signal generation function unit in the DRM system is module designed . Eventually the analog transmitter is reformed and DRM radio experiment is finished .

    首先介绍DRM 传输 结构和设计系统参数,然后对DRM中的OFDM信号发生功能单元进行分模块设计,最终进行模拟发射机改造和DRM广播实验。

  • The performance parameters of EPON and GPON such as basic technical request transmission multiplex mode frame structure bearing capacity management and survivability are compared with illustration for their own characteristics strengths and weakness respectively .

    并对EPON和GPON性能参数进行了分析,比较了两者在基本技术要求、 传输复用方式、 结构、承载业务、管理能力和生存性等方面的不同,及其各自的特点和优劣。

  • In accordance with the token passing transmission and data frame communication a effective software control method in time domain is proposed .

    针对令牌 传递与数据 通信提出确有实效的时间参量软件控制方法。

  • Since the communication software is the key technology of this system the structure of transmission data frame were listed .

    在本系统中通讯软件是系统的关键,给出了 数据 传输过程中的数据 结构。最后介绍了与本系统有关的其它技术。

  • Research on the variation law of transmission ratio and frame alternation of planetary gear train

    行星轮系的 机架变换与 传动比变化规律的研究

  • The access delay for transmission of the frame .

    数据 发送的访问延时。

  • Generating Reasons and Eliminating Measures of Transmission Vibration of Roving Frame


  • In IEEE 802.11 WLAN the average energy consumption in transmission per frame through DCF mechanism is analyzed by mathematical model .

    该文通过数学模型分析IEEE802.11网络中,终端采用分布式协调功能(DCF)方式 发送一个数据 消耗的平均能量。

  • The printing work station transmission fixing support frame comprises a motor a motor support base plate and a corona support frame .

    所述的印刷工位 传动固定支撑 架构包括电机、电机支撑底板、电晕支撑架。

  • The friction repairing action mechanism of the carried out lubricants were studied and analyzed . Furthermore the applications foreground of lubricants used in mechanical transmission were also evaluated with frame testing .

    探讨了润滑剂的摩擦修复作用机理,通过 试验考察了其在机械 传动中的应用前景。

  • We achieve the aim of communication between the two sides by solving data transmission problems between both sides of communication system establishing the format of transmission frame and the corresponding transmission protocol realizing the transmission and analyzing the application technique of GPRS .

    通过分析GPRS的应用技术来解决系统中通讯双方的数据传输问题,确定 传输 格式、制定相应的传输协议,实现传输过程,实现双方通讯。

  • The device can be used as digital transmission receiver to extract frame synchronization signal .

    可用于数字 通信系统接收端,实现 同步信号的提取。

  • Transmission tower frame is one kind of space structure used in power industry to support transmission lines . And its stability weighs heavily against the safety of transmission lines .

    输电 塔架是电力行业普遍采用的支持输电线路的空间结构,其是否稳定直接关系着输电线路的安全。

  • Robust MPEG Video Transmission Based on Frame Partition

    基于 拆分的MPEG视频的可靠 传输