transmit operation

[trænsˈmɪt ˌɑpəˈreʃən][trænzˈmit ˌɔpəˈreiʃən]


  • When simulation experimentation is in operation one computer transmit sensor data to DSP chip through RS232 interface in fixed sampling period . After receiving the needed data DSP run on-board program and do real-time navigation operation .

    仿真实验时,一台PC机以固定的采样周期通过RS232接口向DSP芯片 传输敏感器测量数据,DSP在接收到所需数据后驱动导航算法进行实时的解算 处理

  • At the same time System transmit real-time data to a remote monitoring center through the GPRS network managers using the platform can log into the system and then can monitor the safety operation of tower crane at all times .

    系统同时通过GPRS互联网络 实时数据 传输到远程监控中心,管理人员使用平台登录进入系统后便可以对塔吊安全 运行的实时动态监控。

  • The reason to select this mode is to provide time for date collection and processing because the particle counter cannot collect data and transmit data to computer simultaneously this operation mode can effectively prevent from missing leakage identification .

    之所以采取间断式运行,是为了给数据的采集和处理提供时间,当粒子计数器与计算机 传送数据时,计数器不能同时采集数据,此 运行方式可有效防止漏认。

  • Firstly the system can transmit the update to all relative server nodes in the system when someone executes grant ( or revoke ) operation one time .

    其一是执行一次授权(或撤销权限)的 操作,系统即可 操作所作的权限更改 传播至所有相关服务器节点;

  • With the realization of the ' Transmit Electric Power from the Western China to the Eastern China ' stratagem and the gradual construction of the Chinese united power system our power system will become bigger and bigger its structure and operation mode will become even more complex .

    随着 西电,全国联网战略计划的实施,我国电力系统的规模日益扩大,电网结构和 运行方式日益复杂。

  • HF communication is important in wireless communication and applied widely for its low transmit power establishing and maintenance cheaply short establish period device accomplished easily and simple operation .

    短波通信因其无需很大的 发射功率、建设和维护费用低、建设周期短、设备简单、 使用方便以及不易被摧毁的中继系统即电离层,而得到广泛应用,在无线通信中占有重要地位。

  • Clinical observation of accupuncture transmit pacing stomach invitro in curing disorder of gastric motility after abdominal operation

    针灸介导体外胃电 起搏改善腹部 手术后胃肠动力的临床观察

  • Movies Transmission refers to the social activities which transmit cultural entertainment information through movies as the media . It is the intermediate link of combining the production and consumption of the movies and realizing the operation of social mechanism .

    电影传播,是指以电影为媒介, 传递输送社会文化娱乐信息的社会活动,是沟通电影生产与消费、实现电影社会机制 运行的中间环节。

  • Session initiation protocol ( SIP ) is a signaling protocol . It can transmit IP ( Internet Protocol ) multimedia operation in 3G and fuse Internet and mobile beehive system .

    会话初始化协议(SIP)是能够在第3代移动通信系统(3G)中 传输IP(internetprotocol)多媒体 业务的信令协议。

  • The soft-bus can transmit the mixed structure of information flow and control flow in the architecture divide the collaboration policy from the function services and predigest the control operation for domain architecture .

    软总线支持构架内信息流与控制流的混合结构 传输,支持把协作策略从功能服务中分类出来,简化领域构架的控制 操作行为。

  • An Integrated Active Array Antenna with Simultaneous Transmit Receive Operation

    一种 收发同时 工作的集成有源阵天线

  • Long-distance gas pipeline is the main way to transmit Chinese natural gas . The safe operation of the pipeline is considered as the major political and economical issue for China .

    长距离输气管道是我国天然气 传输的主要方式,管道的安全 运行是关系到国计民生的重大问题。

  • This paper introduces the cause of CW radar 's transmit leakage and the effects on radar ' operation and illustrate several means to restrain the leakage .

    本文介绍了连续波雷达 发射泄漏,成因和对雷达的影响,及列举了几种常规的连续波 雷达发射泄漏抑制方法。

  • The financial report which can be used to transmit messages is the basis of the efficient operation of securities business as well as decision-making for investors . However fraudulent financial reporting can not play this role obviously .

    财务报告作为信息 传递 媒介之一,是证券市场参与者进行投资决策的重要依据,是证券市场有效 运行、发挥资源配置功能的基础,然而舞弊性的财务报告却大大影响了其功能的发挥。

  • In the contemporary society of highly advanced information technology mass media can not only transmit public policy information but also exert significant and sometimes even decisive influence on the operation of the public policy system with their specific function of constructing reality .

    在信息技术高度发达的当代社会,大众媒介不但能够 传递公共政策信息,还以其特有的建构现实功能对公共政策系统的 运行发挥着重要的、有时甚至是决定性的影响。