translation memory

[trænsˈleʃən ˈmɛməri][trænsˈleiʃən ˈmeməri]


  • Is there a translation memory available for the translation ?

    是否有相关 翻译 记忆库?

  • In the system of question answering ( QA ) automatic text summarization example-based machine translation ( EBMT ) or translation memory the quality of a sentence retrieval module would directly affect the performance of the system .

    在问答系统、自动文摘、EBMT、 翻译 记忆、新信息检测中,句子检索模块的检索质量会直接影响到上述系统的性能。

  • When address translation is turned off the partition accesses memory in real mode .

    当关闭地址 转换时,分区将采用实模式访问 内存

  • The paper discussed the fundamental principles of these two machine translation systems and then discussed translation memory software and localization software .

    本文讨论这两种机器翻译系统的基本原理,并讨论了 翻译 记忆软件和本土化软件工具。

  • New - ot translation memory maintenance tool for global search & replace operation attribute manipulation etc

    全新热点 翻译 存储器维护工具,用于全程查找及替代操作、属性操作等

  • Meanwhile the improvement of cultural ability in relation to language the reasonable allocation of attention the cautious selection of translation strategy and the memory training will become the possible solutions .

    而相应地提高译者的语言文化能力、合理分配注意力、谨慎选取 翻译策略、进行 记忆力训练等将会成为解决方案。

  • The most efficient scheme uses hardware assists such as the AMD I / O MMU ( IOMMU ) to provide transparent translation of guest physical addresses to host physical addresses ( for operations such as direct memory access DMA w_2762 ) .

    最有效的方案是使用像AMDI/OMMU(IOMMU)这样的硬件协助来提供Guest物理地址到主机物理地址的透明 转换(用于直接 内存访问DMAw_2799这样的操作)。

  • In the past translation table maps ( TTM ) were used for general-purpose memory management but now GEM can be used for improved memory management performance .

    过去 常用 转换表影射(TTM)进行一般用途的 内存管理,现在我们经常使用GEM改进内存管理性能。

  • Design and Implementation of A Log-structured Hybrid Mapping Algorithm for File Translation Layer of Flash Memory

    基于日志式混合映射的 FTL算法设计与实现

  • Translation memory improvement : Storage of new translations in a translation memory ( TM ) database for later reuse .

    翻译 存储改进:将新的翻译保存到翻译存储(TM)数据库中,以备重用。

  • Translation memory managers consist of a database of text segments in a source language and their translations in one target language .

    翻译 记忆管理工具保存了文本片段的在源语言和目标语言中的对应关系。

  • The performance improvement is due to the reduction of Translation Lookaside Buffer ( TLB ) misses which occurs because the TLB can now map to a much larger virtual memory range .

    性能之所以得到了改进,是因为提高了 TranslationLookasideBuffer(TLB)的命中率,这是因为TLB可以映射到更大的虚拟 内存范围。

  • Therefore high-performance processor must optimize the TLB in order to reduce the address translation delay only in this way can meet the system requirements of high-speed memory access .

    因此高性能处理器必须通过优化TLB的性能,才能使地址 变换的延迟满足系统高速 访存的要求。

  • The processor also supports the memory translation process by tapping into the hypervisor ( host kernel ) when an unmapped memory location is accessed .

    处理器也可以通过在访问未经映射的 内存位置时使用系统管理程序(主机内核)来支持内存 转换进程。

  • The main reason is that there are some difference in aesthetic attitude motivations and purpose translation memory and translation comprehension procession between professional translators and student translators .

    其主要原因是因为职业译者和学生译者在审美、动机和目的、 翻译 记忆和翻译过程处理具有差异性。

  • By address translation it resolved the problem of pointer sharing problem arose by the difference of memory access methods .

    采用地址 转换方法来解决异构内核使用不同 寻址方式的指针共享问题。

  • Bilingual corpus is one of the most important parts in translation memory system .

    双语库是 翻译 记忆系统最重要的组成部分之一。

  • Research of calculating sentential similarity in translation memory

    翻译 记忆中语句相似度计算方法的研究

  • Unlike translation it demands better memory storage competence psychological quality and cognitive knowledge from interpreters .

    口译不像 笔译,对译员的 记忆存储能力,心理素质和认知知识都提出了更高的要求。

  • The address translation is researched by the view of process and physical memory in this thesis . It is clearly shown that how to localize the virtual address space of any process in the physical address space .

    本文使用进程和物理 内存的观点来研究地址 变换,清晰的说明了任意进程的虚拟地址空间如何在物理地址空间中定位。

  • The translation units of English-Chinese from the slots of the templates are obtained by extracting contents of the slots for translation memory system .

    利用生成的双语模板,可以得到 翻译 记忆系统所需要的句子成分级的英汉翻译单元。

  • These pairs are usually stored in a special XML format called Translation Memory eXchange ( TMX ) which all important translation tools support .

    这些/对通常保存在专门的XML格式中,称为 Translation MemoryeXchange(TMX),所有主要的翻译工具都支持这种格式。

  • Based on analyzing the traditional address mapping mechanism of TLB this paper has put forward the regions and Cache line tag pre-validation to optimize the translation and removed the TLB delay bottleneck in the whole memory access .

    在分析TLB传统的地址映射机制的基础上,提出了基于虚区域和Cache块标记的预验证技术,结果表明该技术优化了 TLB的设计,避免了 TLB访问时延成为访存的瓶颈。

  • In order to let the two kinds of memory compatible we introduce a flash translation layer ( FTL ) in the NAND FLASH memory system .

    为了达到两种存储器兼容使用,在NANDFlash 存储器体系中引入了FTL(Flash TranslationLayer)层。

  • A static include is handled by the JSP container during the translation phase while the JSP container is constructing the JSP page in memory .

    静态include由JSP容器在 转换阶段进行处理(此时JSP容器正在 内存中构造JSP页)。